3-11-20 to 9-8-22 = 911 days:
It's a witchcraft world. Everything by kabbalah sorcery, everything orchestrated in intricate ways, nothing done without numerology. Nothing real - in the sense of ocurring naturally. They serve the god of this world the devil. They live in a different reality. 'Serpent-seed' [Matt. 23:33]. Did 'Queen Elizabeth' really die this day 9-8-22 or is it being acted out for some kabbalah sorcery purposes. The dates are impossible so it is a ritual of some sort any way it is looked at. Truly we wrestle not against flesh and blood but but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places [Eph. 6:12].
And 3-days before 911. What the ritual meaning is for this one does it really matter - whatever the specific details it has to do with taking over the earth and becoming 'like god' [Gen. 3:4-5]. Same as every other ritual and staged-event they do, which are non-stop. Pretty routine actually. Something new everytime yes but they have no other plan. Another day another ritual - is about all that is needed to know.
Come out of this devils world. Rev. 18:4
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