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Follow up on: 12-28-20 WHO Says Worse 'Plandemic' Coming? Funny, Birx Told It 3-17-20 'CV A Roadmap For Future Plandemics' "March 17, 2020, essentially just the start of Operation C19, the "Coronavirus Task Force" reads the plan-demic script. Translating the codespeak they are clearly saying 'this one is just practice' ... posted article: “This pandemic has been very severe, it has spread around the world extremely quickly and has affected every corner of this planet,” Ryan said. “But this is not necessarily the big one..."
compare also: Newest Fake-Korona Variant 'Mu' Just Another Jewish-Talmudic Mock: Cows (i.e. 'Goy-Cattle') Say 'Moo' 9-6-21 "And so the pathetic mocking just keeps coming - just like the fake so-called variants. Fake variants have to keep coming - it's the only way to keep the fake-korona ordo-ab-chao scammy-hoaxy 'kattle-kontrol skeme' master-plan going.."
and: "Herd Immunity" A Talmudic In-Your-Face Mock - All 'Goy' i.e. Non-Jews Are 'Cattle' ... Korona Kontrol Kaper 5-4-21 Herd immunity... herd immunity... Stop for a minute think it through. What are they really saying? The phrase "herd immunity" refers to a herd of cattle. Bingo... it is plain as can be calling people - the general populations - "cattle". Get it now? The phrase is not meaningless it is a blatant total mock. Comes straight from the Jewish Talmud - nowhere else -- 'Because You're A Minion' [see: post/vid]
and the klassic Kabala-Konfess ritual: Raggedy Ann Psaki Calls Fake-Korona 'Plandemic' 8-25-21 Press Conference [Vid]
see all: 'corona-fiction'
Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 30:8-9 'Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD'