"Warren spoke at Sinai as part of the Synagogue 3000 program, which aims to revitalize Jewish worship."
"His mentor was management guru Peter Drucker."
"It is Drucker’s theory of “management by objectives” that Warren replicates in every endeavor...Jews are learning to reorganize thier [sic] faith from a Christian who was mentored by a Jew."
"Warren managed to speak for the entire evening without once mentioning Jesus — a testament to his savvy message-tailoring."
"Warren told Wolfson his interest is in helping all houses of worship, not in converting Jews. He said there are more than enough Christian souls to deal with for starters."
What's wrong with this picture? Much in every way. Here are a few things for starters. Rick Warren, famed purpose-driven preacher, helping to "revitalize Jewish worship". Rick Warren speaks the entire evening without once mentioning the name of "Jesus". Rick Warren says "there are more than enough Christian souls". Rick Warren states his interest is to "help all houses of worship".
Are you still one of those in 'Rick Warren denial'?
The apostle Paul used to speak in the synagogues too. A quick comparison is in order.... read full: warren vs. apostle
1 comment :
This is what I think of when I see Rick Warren: "These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, TWICE DEAD, pulled up by the roots; raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever." Jude 12,13
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