Excerpted from: 'Superstorm Sandy' Geo-engineered -- 3-28-11 Newsweek 'Apocalypse Now' Cover 10/30/12
"Take a close look at this cover of Newsweek magazine dated March 28 & April 4, 2011. Now here is the point. What is the real cause of all the things mentioned there - "tsunamis, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns, revolutions, economies on the brink, etc." Are these things all naturally occurring, or, is the so-called "apocalypse" that the world is "now" seemingly experiencing being absolutely manufactured somehow in one way or another, i.e. weather-modifying, geo-engineering, and political manipulating...to deconstruct the old-world-order so as to replace it with the new-world-order of course?
For those who believe that all these things could actually be happening of their own accord - "It's like 'apocalypse now' dude" - the boys over at NWO central have a little message "hidden in plain sight" for you. It gives them quite a chuckle to do that you know. Do you see it?
On a side note - and not to be missed with this particular magazine cover - is another little hidden-in-plain-sight clue in lower left corner, in the form of the article titled: "Have They Found Atlantis?"
Atlantis, the 'lost city of the pre-flood nephilim kings', is, as many are aware, a euphemism for the novus ordo seclorum - the so-called new world order. "Finding Atlantis", then, would signify the self-professed 'overlords' of mankind having, to their minds, successfully accomplished the goal of global domination, whereby they could now reign as demigod kings upon the earth, as they have so long lusted after, in their very own Babylonish kingdom of kabbalistic Zionism.
33rd degree masonic/illuminati author Manley P. Hall wrote of the occult inspired dream of these who have been blinded by power and Satanically deluded with illusions of immortality; the dream of the new Atlantis:
“The New Atlantis sets forth an ideal government of the earth. It foretells that day when in the midst of men there shall rise up a vast institution composed of the philosophic elect — an order of illumined men banded together for the purpose of investigating the laws of life and the mysteries of the universe … The age of boundaries is closing, and we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more; when the lines of race and caste shall be wiped out; when the whole earth shall be under one order, one government, one administrative body." -Manly P Hall "Lectures on Ancient Philosophy," published by the Philosophical Research Society Inc, Los Angeles (1970)”
Have they found Atlantis? They think so. Know about it and come out of it. Rev. 18:4
Ezekiel 27:2,32 'Now, thou son of man, take up a lamentation for Tyrus... And in their wailing they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the sea?'
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