5-4-18 Big Island 'Quake' a 6.9 at 12:33 p.m.
"On May 4, 2018, an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 6.9[3] struck Hawaii island in the Hawaii archipelago at around 12:33 p.m. local time.[4] The earthquake's epicenter was near the south flank of KÄ«lauea, which has been the site of seismic and volcanic activity since late April.[5] The quake coincided with new lava outbreaks at the volcano...The earthquake had a maximum strength on the Mercalli intensity scale of VIII (Severe)" - source wiki
Agenda 21 land reclamation project underway on the Big Island of Hawaii...or completely natural occurrence? The numerology, once again - as always - reveals the whole story: the 'magic-numbers' make it plain as day - hidden in plain sight to the vast majority of course - but when the numerology is unmistakable, and beyond the realm of chance, as with this event, there is no other way to view it than as a definite signature, as it were, which signature conveys clearly the meaning: 'we're doing it'.
The main numbers for this event are blatant, and unmistakable:
69 33 322
The 6.9 as-above-so-below number supposed natural-quake struck at 12:33 p.m. Hawaiian time. The exact time was actually five seconds before, according to what was reported by the NOAA, as seen in the below tweet-screenshot [reportedly lasting 15 seconds - link]. Curious thing, at five seconds before 12:33, as the NOAA uses UTC time, the exact time [22:32:55] then registered a '322' into the 'equation'. Just a strange coincidence, right?
Kabalist Numerology at it's finest: 5-4-18 Big Island HI - as above so below 6.9 at 12:33 with a '322' UTC thrown in [source] |
These three numbers are the prime of the prime numbers of kabbalistic numerology. All three together, as here, they represent the 'ultimate trifecta' - there could not be any stronger combination of "magic numbers" to make more plainly evident the signal than these specific three together: '69' the reverse/upside-down all-time favorite 'magic number' signifying as-above-so-below - essentially meaning bringing the 'nwo' to fruition on the earth; '33' the highest (lowest actually) masonic un-holy number; '322' of course the 'skull and bones' numero uno - also Gen. 3:22 referring to the strong-delusion of the serpent's original-lie of man becoming 'god'.
Geoengineering. What can be accomplished with geoengineering? Can explosives be used to create a 'volcanic eruption'.* Or create fissures where known underground flows are - thus causing active flows on the surface (and drilling). Not difficult for geoengineering surely. Maybe send huge boulders flying a "mile away". Could that cause a situation where all residents have to vacate the area permanently, never to be built again? Piece of cake would it not be. Forced evacuations clear the area - once that is done - anything could conceivably be done.
Cui bono? Agenda 21 wins hands down. Every time. Stay tuned...
*Compare: Man-Made Earthquakes? Israel, University of Hawaii Simulating Quakes With Explosives 1-24-10 "Man made earthquakes i.e. 'bomb-quakes'? - it is a known science..." [scroll down]
Rev. 18:4
5-16-18 update: Kilauea 'Eruption' Foretold In 4-28-18 Geico Commercial 'Evil Villains' Drilling Into Geothermal - Smoking Volcano
6-6-18 update: Kilauea A Controlled Demolition? - Illuminati Card And Volcanoes Worldwide
Rev. 11:17,18 'We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty which art, and wast, and art to come...[for thou shalt]...destroy them which destroy the earth'
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