'Wisconsin priest comes out [as 'gay'] to parishioners, gets standing ovation
"I am Greg. I am a Roman Catholic priest. And, yes, I am gay!"
A Roman Catholic priest in Milwaukee has come out as gay, writing that he will no longer live in the shadows of secrecy and plans to be authentic to his gay self. The Rev. Gregory Greiten first disclosed his sexual orientation publicly on Sunday to the St. Bernadette Parish and was greeted with a standing ovation from his parishioners, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
It's rare for a priest to come out. Greiten said he revealed his sexual orientation because he wants to be a role model for others. He said he's helping to break the silence of gay men in the clergy...
Greiten wrote that he has decided to stand with the "few courageous priests who have taken the risk to come out of the shadows...
Greiten met with Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki before coming out, according to an archdiocese spokeswoman.
"We support Father Greiten in his own personal journey and telling his story of coming to understand and live with his sexual orientation," Listecki said in a statement Monday. "As the Church teaches, those with same-sex attraction must be treated with understanding and compassion."
Openly 'gay' Catholic priests? - It just happened. The precedent is set, the door is flung wide open. Catholicism is now officially a sodomite affirming promoting participating [Rev. 18:4] religion. Perversion is now holy says the Catholic church. Straight from the pit is where they got that doctrine. Be not in denial here Catholic. Be absolutely certain on this - the 'spirit' at work here is NOT the Spirit of God. It is the spirit of the "prince of the power of the air" - Eph. 2:2 (Note: that would be none other than the Devil aka Satan [Rev. 20:2]). The sodomizing of the Catholic church has been an ongoing effort for many years. Below is a partial timeline documenting just some of the more recent low-lights of the progressive transition of the Catholic religion into a full-fledged member of the sodomite one-world religion of anti-Christ - which is exactly what the Catholic religion is now officially:
12-17-13 - 'New World Pope' Francis Named Homosexual Magazine's (The Advocate) Person Of The Year
3-6-14 - NWO-Pope Francis Takes 1st Step In Homosexualizing Catholic Church - Opens Door To 'Civil Unions'
5-24-15 - NWO Pope Bergoglio/Francis At It Again: Appoints Radical Homosexual Advocate To Vatican Council
12-30-15 - 'Gaying' Of Catholicism Advances: Catholic Publication NCR Names Homosexual Couple As 'Persons Of The Year'
3-21-16 - Entire Catholic Church Of Michigan Bows To Homosexual Agenda - And One-World-Religion Of Antichrist -- "'Michigan Catholic dioceses modify employee benefits to include same-sex partners...' -- The one-world Zio-strategists are finished with the Catholic Church, it has served it's purpose of substituting Mary worship for that of the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ; and putting a man i.e. a 'pope' aka "vicar of Christ" in the place of the Spirit of God; and re-crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ at every 'mass' for more than fifteen hundred years through "transubstantiation"; as well giving a man, i.e. a so-called priest who is anti-biblically called "father' [Matt. 23:9] the 'authority' to forgive sin...as long as the 'sinner' then does "penance" i.e. practices repetitive prayer aka "vain repetitions" [Matt. 6:7] - and so much more - all of which have no basis whatsoever in scripture; in fact all of which directly contradict scripture; but nevermind all those false doctrinal foundations of Catholicism which have served well to keep multitudes that no man can number practicing dead religious rituals and far away from true scriptural faith through the centuries because it's time to move on anyway and the Catholic church is now to be transitioned into the enlightened new religious understanding of the birthing new-world of global-oneness where all religions are equal and there are no limitations to sexual expression or disposing of unwanted children before birth and so forth. Yes, Catholic religion practitioner, these are the facts of the case, and the Catholic-to-One-World religion transition is in full swing, and there will be no let-up until the entire worldwide membership is transitioned to a place of open subjugation at the feet of the god of this world aka Antichrist - with every other man-made religious system on the face of this earth - Rev. 13:8 -- To remain in Catholicism without surrendering to the 'homosexual acceptance' movement [is now] impossible. To stay [is] to accept. To accept [is] to bow. The real bowing [is] to the new-world-order of anti-christ [1Cor. 6:9-10]. No way around this..." [see post; images]
The Catholic church script-reading Zio-Vatican-ites have followed their their scripts and instructed Catholic-religionists not to 'discriminate'. This is openly defying the Word of God. The Word of God always discriminates:
Isaiah 5:20 'Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!'
Your situation is critical Catholic religion adherent. Wilt thou defy Almighty God...or the 'men of Sodom'? [Jer. 51:6]
Rev. 18:4
Genesis 13:13 'But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly'
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