Active duty military personnel will soon start assisting vaccination sites in states across the U.S., the White House announced on Friday [2-5-21].
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has approved a Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] request to "augment and expedite" the country's vaccination rollout, senior coronavirus adviser Andy Slavitt said at a press briefing. Part of the first contingent of more than 1,000 troops will arrive in California over the next 10 days and begin operations around Feb. 15, he added, with more missions to follow.
"The military's critical role in supporting sites will help vaccinate thousands of people per day and ensure that every American who wants a vaccine will receive one," Slavitt said.
The Department of Defense is expected to provide more details at a separate briefing on Friday afternoon.
Biden said FEMA would help set up 100 mass vaccination sites in his first month in office. FEMA has asked the Pentagon to ready up to 10,000 troops to support those sites, with the goal of dispensing 450,000 vaccinations a day nationwide.
How is active duty military personnel policing 'mass vaccination centers' ...not martial law? Answer: what happens when they never un-deploy? Just need to lock-you-down for two weeks or maybe a month people .. just until "we flatten the curve" - don't even worry about it. Just need to deploy active-duty military to 'assist' the mass-vax-agenda for the health and safety of us all - don't even give it a second thought - because White House "senior coronavirus adviser" Andy Slavitt... he's got this. What who... Andy slave-it? Is that a play-on-words?
That's right - "Slave-it". They always tell.
February 2021 Corona-fiction a year into it and the 'new-world-order' takeover reality could not be any more obvious. Military roll-out nationwide? Prediction: never to 'roll-back'. The 'znwo' does not untake what they take. Be informed - the masses are not. fyi
Rev. 18:4
Robert ennedy Jr. has a site Children Health Defense, there is a linc on his twitter page. In an article about a month ago he linced to Polly Popper and others who are fighting and winning some battles about forcing vacines for continued employment, he is also trac ing injuries and deaths from this terrible dna vacine.
Your post is very scary. I remember the article long ago Who is Marshall and why does he have a law? because so many people wrote about it and misspelled it. My old eyboard some letters not wor-ing and I am still getting used to new Chromeboo-, screen so small and everything different. Event Reporting System (VAERS) database has more than 11,500 COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports including more than 500 deaths in just six weeks since the vaccination campaign began. Why would Instagram censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s platform and call it ‘misinformation’? Why now?
“Instagram deplatformed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Highwire host, Del Bigtree, just 15 minutes before they were to air the webinar, ‘COVID Vaccine on Trial, If You Only Knew’ highlighting COVID concerns, injuries, mechanisms and other facts from four MDs, several Ph.D.s and leaders from the vaccine-injured community.
COVID-19 vaccines use novel technology never before used in a human population. With that comes great unknown risks. The people of the world deserve to have this crucial information to protect their health and that of their children. “Every statement I put on Instagram was sourced from a government database, from peer-reviewed publications and from carefully confirmed news stories. None of my posts were false. Facebook, the pharmaceutical industry and its captive regulators use the term ‘vaccine misinformation’ as a euphemism for any factual assertion that departs from official pronouncements about vaccine health and safety, whether true or not. This kind of censorship is counterproductive if our objective is a safe and effective vaccine supply.
•National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s Body Post the VAERS site to all the deaths and adverse affects. They cannot say that is misinformation. After today the numbers will be up again. Last week it was up to
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