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Compare (for just one example) - bursting (or 'blown up') dams and Agenda21 land reclamation:
Oroville Dam A Scam? '77' Numerology And Agenda 21 Wildlands Map All Over It 2-14-17 "Numerology aside, the second thing that jumps out immediately is the fact that the lake that Oroville Dam is holding back just so happen to be man made. This is a huge no-no with regard to the global agenda known as Agenda 21. The very true fact of the matter is that eventually all such man-made obstructions to the natural order are slated to be removed. This is the reality of the A21 global-scheme ... All waterways must be restored to natural conditions. That is the new-world A21 plan. Doing that involves relocating all human populations. Causing a dam to burst and flooding out an area is one way that could be done, but it does not necessarily have be taken to that extreme. Oroville Dam does not look like it will end with a 'collapse' or 'catastrophic flood' [this time] but the fact that it has now been demonstrated that this is a possibility gives tremendous leverage to the population-relocating masterminds to force an exodus from an area like this. After such a 'threat' the rezone-ers show up and make the area a 'high risk zone' and suddenly property insurance becomes unaffordable [see: post 'superstorm' sandy 6-9-13]
More examples: link
Michigan dam failure flood footage [3 min.] - very interesting in particular be sure watch last :30 sec.
Compare also: George Floyd Psyop: Trump Foretells "I Can't Breathe" At Colorado Springs Rally 2-20-20 -- Everything Scripted [vid] 6-7-20
Rev. 18:4
Micah 6:12 'For the rich men thereof are full of violence, and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth'
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