Not even two weeks old, 'Zika', as stated above, is exactly like "Isis", the only difference being that these 'terrorists' are much smaller. Like 'Big Isis', mini-Isis 'Zika' suddenly appeared out of nowhere and quickly became the 'scourge' of all the world; and like Big Isis, according to the new official explanation, see below, they too are proving to be nearly impossible to stop (1). And like Big Isis, see below also, mini-Isis 'Zika' continually expands it's variety of threats (2). And like Big Isis, 'the threat' of them is being made to serve as a pretext for a horrible globalist agenda (3) which up to this point had not been possible - namely in this case to kill off unborn babies in the womb aka abortion in the Latin American nations of the world where their heavily Catholicized belief system has not permitted this. In addition, creating a general atmosphere of great fear with regard to pregnancy and childbirth, and very apparently, with the purposeful intent to make it permanent. And why? Simply for 'nwo' population control purposes. There is no other legitimate way to view what is transpiring. That is, all in less than two weeks, 'mosquito' shows up, and instantaneously the event is turned into an "abortion" narrative for heavily Catholicized anti-abortion Latin America. The fact is that nothing about the brand new and nonsensical 'Zika crisis' is even remotely believable as being something naturally occurring - which leaves only one alternative:
1. Mosquitoes that spread Zika virus are tough to stop from spreading
SAVANNAH, Ga. — The mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus are among the hardest species to fight because they live and breed in tub drains, dog bowls, buckets, flower pots and other spots where water collects inside the houses and yards of the people they bite, insect experts noted Monday...Because they stick close to home, Zika-carrying mosquitoes are hard to target with larvacide and insecticide sprays, they said.
“You’re not going to find them in roadside ditches or in swamps,” said Mark Cothran, mosquito control director for Gulf County, Florida. “You’re going to find them in dog food bowls or in 5-gallon buckets. It almost requires going door-to-door to dump out containers.”
Cothran is one of hundreds of municipal mosquito control officers and insect researchers from across the U.S. attending the American Mosquito Control Association’s annual conference, which opened Monday in Savannah.
2. Nearly 100 nerve disorder cases linked to Zika in Colombia - health officials
BOGOTA, Feb 9 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Nearly 100 Colombians suffering from the Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare nerve disorder, also have symptoms of the mosquito-borne Zika virus, Colombia's National Health Institute has said...Colombian health authorities recently announced that three people who had been infected with the Zika virus had died after developing the Guillain-Barre syndrome, the first time health officials had said the Zika virus could cause deaths.
"We have confirmed and attributed three deaths to Zika," Martha Lucia Ospina, head of Colombia's National Health Institute, told reporters during a news conference on Feb. 5.
3. Zika prompts urgent debate about abortion in Latin America
RIO DE JANEIRO — Across Latin America, calls to loosen some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world in the face of the Zika virus outbreak are gaining momentum but encountering strong and entrenched opposition...Nearly everywhere in Latin America, including in those countries hit hardest by Zika, women who wish to terminate their pregnancies have few legal options. But as U.N. health officials have projected as many as 4 million infections in the Americas this year, activists are pressing lawmakers to act as swiftly as possible to ease rigid restrictions...Several governments in Latin American nations have responded to the crisis by urging women to postpone pregnancy. But the availability of contraceptives is limited, especially in rural Latin America, and church authorities in the heavily Roman Catholic region oppose their use.
“We hope Zika changes the debate,” said Silvia Plana, director of Coordination for the Life and Health of Women, an abortion rights legal aid group in Colombia.
Avoid capture, develop new threats, accomplish global agendas. Just like big Isis, mini-Isis can also do anything apparently.
Make believe Isis-mosquitoes to abort babies though - that one does take the cake. Rev. 18:4
Psalms 10:1,8 'The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined...He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor'
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