Senate 'Internet Kill Switch' Bill Moves Forward
A Senate committee on Thursday approved a cyber-security bill that has prompted concern about a presidential "Internet kill switch."
re: 'fundamentally reshape'
The whole world is presently undergoing a 'fundamental reshaping', and not for the better. A global dictatorship is rising rapidly, replacing the existing sovereign nation-state world system, and as the final touches are applied, the 'commoners' can no longer be allowed to have a say. With that, the last possible source of uncontrolled-information about this radical ungodly agenda, the internet, must now be reigned in.
With this "unanimously approved" 'pending' legislation giving the
'Cyberspace' now being a "national asset", these new control mechanisms are, of course, for our own good. The "security of our government and the private critical infrastructure, and therefore the security of the American people" is at stake, says Big Brother. Lions and tigers and bears oh my....
The time is short. Do not be "reshaped" by the lying beast [2 Thes. 2:9].
Rev. 18:4
related: White House Preparing National Online ID Plan 6-25-10 "The Obama administration is set to propose a new system for authenticating people, organizations and infrastructure on the Web. The online authentication and identity management system would be targeted at the transactional level -- for example, when someone logs into their banking website or completes an online e-commerce purchase...That path forward will hinge on a new draft of the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace" [would this be the beginning of a 'buying/selling - 666' system?]
'And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...' (only possible through the study, learning, and believing of the Word of God - the KJV)
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