Japan takes a massive hit, green global agenda advances
Japan's giant car industry has announced a major shutdown as fears grow over the economic impact of Friday’s devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami which has crippled much of the north-east of the country.
The three largest motor manufacturers – Toyota, Honda and Nissan – said they would stop production at almost all of their domestic assembly plants. The safety of the workforce and deaths were cited as reasons behind the decision. The electronics giant Sony also said it would be shutting down production.
The disaster forced the Bank of Japan (BoJ) to issue a statement, as it draws up plans for an emergency “quake budget”. The BoJ said: “The bank will continue to do its utmost, including the provision of liquidity, to ensure stability in financial markets and to secure the smooth settlement of funds, in the coming week.”
“Temporary closures of factories and oil refineries and the shutting down of power stations are likely to affect output throughout the country,” said Wolfgang Leim of Commerzbank. “Economic output may therefore shrink again slightly in the first quarter.”
Between them the three car companies closed 22 assembly plants, while Sony halted production at six of its domestic plants, including a Blu-ray factory where more than 1,000 workers were stranded yesterday.
re: "provision of liquidity"
Here is what can only be described as an absolutely phenomenal turn of events. Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and Sony all shutting down production.
How is it that the global green agenda of deconstructing western industrialized civilization comes out as the clear and only winner as a result of the horrific event the world has just witnessed this week?
Not only are the global automotive giants and global electronic behemoth Sony shutting down for an unspecified period of time but Japan's massive nuclear industry is, we are told, on the verge of a catastrophic meltdown also. At last count there are reportedly six failed reactors [6 PM PST here;
3-12-11, latimes.com].
It is certainly also worth noting here that the advantage goes once again to the global green agenda as nuclear power in the planned 'green-sustainable' future of the planet's peons has no place. None whatsoever. Nuclear tops the list of 'unsustainables' actually, a fact that anyone who has bothered to look into these things is well aware of.
Solar and wind baby, that's what's up.
And one more thing that is very troubling here. Why exactly would the Bank of Japan use such a phrase as "including the provision of liquidity" to announce their impending effort to shore up the supposedly faltering Japanese economy?
After the absolutely devastating 'tsunami' this is what they come out with? Is that some kind of sick cabalist joke?
'Natural' disaster? You think?
The full scale destruction of the old-world-order...it is on. You are seeing it. And...much more to come. Be aware.
*11-22-10 Newsweek Poses Obama As Hindu god 'Dancing Shiva' "...the demonic Hindu god Shiva is the destroyer. Portraying Obama in the Shiva role is an obvious mocking of the present destruction of the 'old world order' which is now in the final stages." [see post]
Another Tsunami Hits Indonesia; And "Tsunami Bombs" 10-26-10 "Not only have massive quakes become commonplace nowadays, but tsunamis and tsunami warnings strangely seem to have become commonplace also...Ever heard of "tsunami bombs"? The concept is not unknown although little information on it can be found. But here is one source. [see post]
follow links, connect dots
update 3-18-11update 4-17-11 ------------------------------------------------------------
Rev. 11:17,18 "We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty which art, and wast, and art to come...[for thou shalt]...destroy them which destroy the earth'
1 comment :
Absolutely amazing......Be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer....take heed that ye be not deceived....watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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