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Source of video/credit: Canada 150 Archive [Youtube]
(Above video brightened audio volume increased from source video, viewability improved)
"It began first in an old school in England where a young man named William Tyndale was studying. He was a good Greek scholar and had read the New Testament in the very language in which it was written. It had come to mean so much to him that he wanted it to mean something to all the people around him.
One day some students were talking about all this new interest in the Bible, and one man said very positively: "The Bible is not necessary. It is all foolishness to talk about translating it into English for the people to read. All they need is the word of the pope. We had better be without God's laws than the pope's laws!"
William Tyndale rose from his chair, and striking his clenched fist on the table shouted, "I defy the pope and all his laws; and, if God spares me, I will one day make the boy that drives the plow in England to know more of the Scriptures than the pope does!"
It was not an idle boast. William Tyndale went right to work to make an English Bible that all the people could read. A rich merchant, Humphrey Monmouth, gave him his home to work in and day and night he worked, hoping some publisher would print it when he had it ready..." see: Story of Tyndale
See also: "KJV-only"
Martyred (hanged, body burned) for it; see: [link (vid)]
[video alternate link: here]
Rev. 18:4
2 Timothy 2:9 'Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound'