8-12-24 Blog notice: When the pillar of cloud is taken up it means time to go [Numbers 9:22]. Such is the case here. The cloud is gone up. Received notice about a week ago - very unexpectedly - that the rental agreement for my long-rented apartment was to be ended... and would have to be out by a certain date. As far as this Rev.18.4 blog goes this basically means having to now 'close up shop' for an indeterminate length of time, as have no further information at this point - where to, what next, etc.. Have already started the breaking down so little blog activity should be expected over the next few weeks or month. Down the road a bit further.. cannot now say. To all who read this - press on.  Rev18:4


1 In 4 Adults Have "Critical" Mental Issues, Say Rick Warren, Catholics, Psychs At "Historic" Conference 3-28-14

This post is a follow up on: Purpose-Driver Rick Warren, Catholics Join Hands To Call Churches To Push NWO 'Mental Health' Agenda 3-4-14 "Warren will team up with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange and the National Alliance on Mental Illness...On March 28, the three groups will host The Gathering on Mental Health and the Church, a daylong event at Saddleback - Mental health, so called, is a critical component of the ZWO population-control agenda. Mandatory screening of the public as a routine part of overall health care is the end goal - adults, children, everybody. The agenda is now being forced in every arena. Forced screening for "mental fitness" creates a gate-keeping mechanism where 'mental-health professionals' would have the ability to identify those who may not 'think' the way the novus-ordo-seclorum-ites would like them to. It is not difficult to see the real intent. Answer all questions correctly and there will be no problem - answering incorrectly might just get you red-flagged. Purpose-driven Warren is on board as a result of the purported suicide of his son, purportedly occurring less than one year ago (4-'13). Immediately after this purported incident, Warren suddenly became a national spokesman and champion of the cause... [see post, follow links, connect dots]
Saddleback Church Hosts Historic Gathering on Mental Health and the Church

Rick and Kay Warren, Catholic Bishop Kevin Vann, and National Alliance on Mental Illness-Orange County Co-Host Event

LAKE FOREST, Calif. – A historic, first-time gathering of leaders from both the evangelical and Catholic communities met on Friday to discuss the importance of churches working together to address critical mental health issues.

The event marked the first initiative in the Warrens' mission to remove the stigma of mental illness following the death of their son, Matthew, who took his life on April 5, 2013, after a lifelong struggle with mental illness.

Plenary and workshop presenters at the more than 12-hour event included 25 religious, health and psychology professionals who addressed theoretical issues and practical solutions on a critical issue affecting 25 percent of all adults in the U.S. and 1 in 10 children during their formative years.

Topics encompassed the role of the Church in mental health; integrating physical, spiritual and mental health; crisis management for church staff; resourcing the Church; and supporting those suffering. In addition, 20 interactive workshops covered topics such as depression, stigma, suicide-risk reduction, church counseling, support groups and recovery ministries, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, addictions, and other subjects to bring hope to the challenges of mental illness.

"There isn't a church or parish anywhere in the U.S. or the world that is not affected by mental illness," said Steve Pitman, president of NAMI-OC. "The only difference is that some churches want to lead, discuss it and shed light on it, and others don't."

re: "integrating physical, spiritual and mental health"

There it is right there. The whole thing in just five words. "Integrating physical, spiritual and mental"...which it is not difficult to see how this is really only useful in order to acquire control of individuals. There can be no other "purpose-driven" purpose for it. This is the dark reality of pseudo-kristian cabalist-globalist go-fer Rick Warren's newest endeavor, which it should be noted, is being called "historic". No doubt it is. Here now is false protestantism, popery, and the new kids on the block, a whole host of Brave New World self-appointed psycho-analyzers, all linking hands and spewing out some very radical never before heard rhetoric. So extreme actually, that when what is being said coming out of this little summit meeting is considered, there can be no question as to how far this ploy is to be taken.

Two things to be specific: (1) The absurd claim that "25% of all adults in the U.S." are suffering "critical issues" related to 'mental health'; and (2) the equally absurd statement that "there is not a church or parish anywhere in the U.S. or world that is not affected by mental illness".

Is does not get any more Orwellian. And again, the true intent is pathetically obvious - forcing mental screening and an overall so-called integration program upon all of society, i.e total control of the individual.

Note also that this event was only "the first initiative". Just getting started. And just to be reminded, it all came about only as a direct result of the purported incident involving the "mental health" of Warren's son, less than one year ago [see 'follow up' above]. Funny thing about that is...that is exactly how ZWO ordo ab chao works. Just noticing.

1 in 4 are 'critically' messed up? Yes indeed, say the Warren-ites. Be absolutely aware on this one.
 Rev. 18:4
See all: 'NWO forced psych evals'
Psalms 37:12-13 'The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming'


Israel Closes All Embassies Worldwide: Hagee "Four Blood Moons" Hoax, Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Related?

Diplomats' strike shuts down Israeli embassies

Israel has closed its embassies around the world as some 1200 foreing ministry employees declare a strike over low salaries.

Israeli diplomats launched an unprecedented strike on Sunday, forcing the complete closure of embassies around the world as they escalated a dispute over pay, officials said.

The industrial action has already threatened to postpone a visit by Pope Francis to Israel planned for May - one of 25 trips by foreign officials affected by a work slowdown the diplomats began on March 5 when wage talks broke down.

By escalating the action to a full strike - the first by the diplomatic corps since the country's establishment in 1948 - the diplomats will close all of Israel's 102 missions abroad, paralysing most diplomatic work with other countries and the United Nations.

"We are completely shutting down the (foreign ministry) office and missions abroad. This is the first time ever," ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.

Another ministry official told Reuters: "As of now, the foreign ministry doesn't exist. It's not possible even to submit complaints".

Big news here. Officially, as reported in the above article and many others, the explanation for the global closure of Israeli embassies and consulates is a labor strike. According to reports, Israel's "Foreign Ministry’s Worker’s Union" called for the full strike as the next step in an ongoing dispute over low pay for embassy employees.

Maybe so...but it should be noted that there is another reason that a country might close their embassies worldwide. This is something that very likely would be done before launching military action in order to eliminate any possible retaliation being carried out at said embassies.

Whatever the truth is regarding the embassy closures in the immediate time frame, one thing is certain - and that is that a massive worldwide deception is on the way...in terms of middle east warfare, ultimately finalizing in a fake Gog-Magog WWIII, prearranged to result in Israeli victory, allowing for a claim of divine-deliverance, to then be interpreted-to-the-world as evidence of the god-given right to rule the planet and mankind [link]. More on this later, but, in the immediate future, and very possibly related to closing embassies and middle east war is the John Hagee 4-blood moons scripted deception, which has to do with this very subject, namely Israel being divinely-delivered from her 'enemies' with signs in the sun and moon as proof that it is in fact "God's divine deliverance".

Hagee flashing the Baphomet hand while preaching "4 blood moons"
Most have likely heard something about Hagee's 'blood moon' scenario. Whether or not you have, this major production begins next month, April 15, 2014, on the Jewish passover, when the first lunar eclipse or so-called "blood moon" of four, with a solar eclipse coming in the middle, is supposed to occur. The other three are October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015, and September 28, 2015. The solar eclipse between the four lunar eclipses in what will be an eighteen month period total will occur on March 20, 2015. For those unfamiliar with the "blood moon" hype, apparently these dates are all on or near different Jewish holidays, and are being said to be 'signs in the sky' pointing toward biblical prophecy, e.g. Joel 2:31 and Rev. 6:12, and as coinciding with the Jewish feast days, said to be indicating Israel's victory over her foes by the power of God. That is the thing in a nutshell.

A few things for the record. The occurrence of the four lunar-eclipses with a solar eclipse in the middle, called a "tetrad" (four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months [six full moons]) is not necessarily that uncommon. In fact, astronomers report that it will happen eight times in this century 2001-2100. Second, that for these "signs" to coincide with Jewish holidays is perfectly normal. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, and for this reason, once again astronomers report, it is inevitable that in any year full moons would fall on or near the Jewish holidays. And one more very important thing to note, calling these events "blood moons" is actually inaccurate, according to our astronomers. Many 'tetrads' have occurred over the centuries, but have never been called blood moons. This is new, most likely an invention of team Hagee (NASA also involved). A blood moon is actually just an astmospheric effect sometimes seen when the moon is low on the horizon and takes on a reddish cast for a time. How exactly that is supposed to apply to the upcoming tetrad of lunar eclipses is unclear, but astronomers will not be referring to the events as blood moons. Another very noteworthy thing about all this is pointed out in this quote by the astronomers:
"It is somewhat ironic that three of these four lunar eclipses are not visible – even in part – from Israel. The only eclipse that can be seen at all from Israel is the tail end of the September 28, 2015 eclipse, which may be observable for a short while before sunrise." [source]

At any rate, more on all this later, but it does seem that the globalist-kabal with all their numerology and occult practices and faking bible prophecy schemes to deceive the world may have actually scheduled certain events to coincide with these upcoming astronomical events. Major events even like wars and rumours of wars, with signs in the sky, etc.. Syria is on the list for conquest. Possibly something starts there. This could lead into an Iran involvement, and it is definitely not without importance to note the fact that Russia has suddenly become the big bad villain. Totally scripted. In the fake Gog-Magog scenario they have to play the lead role of enemy from the North. China very likely will come into the picture too, and although the verse actually refers to the battle of Armageddon, will be said to be in some sort of alliance with Russia as the kings of the east [Rev. 16:12] when the fake Gog-Magog does go down. All the players are being lined up.

Note: The real Gog-Magog takes place at the end of the thousand year period known commonly as the millennial kingdom [Rev. 20:7-8]. Ezekiel's chapter 38-39 Gog-Magog and the Revelation's chapter 20 Gog-Magog are one and the same. This is almost universally denied though because the scheme as described above is not possible unless it is made into two separate events. Note 2: This can only be done by purposely ignoring the chronology of Ezekiel. These chapters of Ezekiel are absolutely chronological. To correctly interpret Ezekiel this chronology must not be overlooked. Ezekiel 38-39 can in no way happen before Ezekiel 36-37, which is the restoration of the nation of Israel by the LORD God: cleansing them, giving them a "new heart", and putting his Spirit within them, unto obedience; Ezekiel 36:25-28; 37:14,23-24. This has absolutely not happened yet, and will not happen, until after the tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble; Jer. 30:7 (Israel returning to the land in 1948 and Jerusalem in 1967 was not at all the restoration promised by God, but was accomplished by their own political machinations - without God at all [1John 2:22]). Ezekiel 38-39 then, can occur at the end of the thousand-year millennium only, "after many days", when Satan is loosed for a time from the bottomless pit where he has been held for that thousand years [Ezekiel 38:8; Rev. 20:7], to lead Gog-Magog [Ezekiel 38:9; Rev. 20:8], only to be "devoured" [Rev. 20:9;], that God may magnify and sanctify Himself before all the millennial world [Ezekiel 38:23; 39:6].

Again more on all this later but as Israel has just closed all their embassies worldwide it is time to sit up and take notice because this seems possibly to be perfectly timed for the start of the 'blood moon' show with the opening night scheduled for April 15th 2014. Who knows, maybe the 'vanishing 777' might turn out to be part of the script if one of the 'enemies' is suddenly pinned as the culprit, creating a claimed provocation for military action. Whether that is the case or not, a massive global deception is definitely scheduled for the middle east and April 15 is already pegged as the first "sign in the sky" and the overall start date by Hagee and Nasa. Another thing too - remember the Katy Perry Grammys Satanic worship song about "coming at you like a dark horse...are you ready for a perfect storm", and then the 'Mars' war themed Super Bowl [link]. Be aware.

One more very important point to note, that being the issue of God's deliverance of the Jews from "her enemies". In no way is it possible that the LORD God Almighty will ever deal with the Jews in terms of any "deliverance" until they first recognize and acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour of both the Jew and the world. To the contrary, the Jewish nation having rejected God by rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ [1John 2:22-23] is the very reason for the coming tribulation period [Matt. 24:21]. What is ahead is not deliverance and a global rule but judgment of the Jews and the Christ rejecting world, until the Jews say "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" [Matt 23:37-39], meaning repentance and submitting to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, whom they did and still do reject utterly [link]. Not all but a remnant of Jews will do exactly that [Hosea 5:15; Zech. 12:10], and then and only then will God Almighty restore the Jewish nation. Not a minute before that though. To say otherwise can only be done by taking a position in total defiance of the Word of God - which is exactly what is being done across the board in the totally Zionized governments of the world and Judaized Christendom today.

And as for signs in the sun and moon, in particular "blood moons", according to the Word of God, nothing like this will occur as a "sign" until well into that above mentioned tribulation period [Rev. 6:12]. Not until after the judgment of God, aka the Tribulation, has begun. And this biblical time of tribulation will definitely not be starting April 15th, 2014. The beginning of the tribulation is not yet possible for many reasons. That is the correct interpretation.
More to come.  Rev. 18:4
6-21-14 follow up: ISIS: ZWO Invoking 'Spirit Of Antichrist'; Script About 'The Promised Land' (Syria), 'Blood Moons', Katy Perry "Perfect Storm" [Bible Prophecy]
3-14-15 update: 4-Blood-Moons False Prophecy Update: 3-20-15 Total Solar Eclipse "Sign To The World" - That The World Will Not See
Proverbs 6:12-13 'A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers'

Hobby Lobby i.e. Religious Freedom Goes To SCOTUS March 25, 2014 - Is It A "Death Panel"?

Related to: NWO Amerika Update: Religious Protesters At White House Arrested Three Days Straight; Vow Resistance 10-1-12 "WASHINGTON—Pro-life activists from across the country were arrested for a third straight day Monday for protesting on restricted space in front of the White House. The protests were sparked by the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that forces faith organizations to cover birth control and abortion-inducing drugs in the health insurance coverage they offer employees—a part of the Obama administration’s healthcare law that took effect in August... Patrick Mahoney...said the four days of activities in front of the White House are only the beginning of the resistance to the mandate “We’re not an event, we’re a movement,” he said" - Arrested for "kneeling in prayer" in front of the White House as a form of protest against the new federal "mandate" forcing companies and organizations to pay for, for one thing, drugs that will induce a pregnant woman to abort a child. Arrested in America for not wanting to be complicit in the killing of an unborn child...really? The harsh reality is that the answer is yes. And also that there is a method to the madness, which is to instigate the very civil disobedience which the above group describes as "only the beginning of the resistance". [see post]
Does Hobby Lobby have religious rights? The Supreme Court will decide

WASHINGTON (RNS) The Green family that owns the Hobby Lobby craft store chain believes the federal government ran roughshod over their religious liberties when the Affordable Care Act required their company to cover the full range of birth control options in employee health plans.

As Christians, the Greens argued, they could not comply. In their view, four of those birth control methods can cause abortion, though many major medical voices disagree. On Tuesday (March 25) the Supreme Court will hear the case.

Combining fundamental questions of religious rights, corporate rights, Obamacare and abortion, the case is, for many people, the most important the Supreme Court will decide this year. It will be bundled with a similar lawsuit filed by the Mennonite owners of a wood cabinetry corporation who hold views similar to those of the Greens.

“The government is forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law,” wrote David Green, the CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby. “I say that’s a choice no American and no American business should have to make.” [full article at link]

re: "government...forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law"

The case is scheduled to be heard by SCOTUS 3-25-14. When the decision will be handed down is not known, presumably later this year. Quoting the owner of the Hobby Lobby chain, “The government is forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law". Without question, this issue making it's way to SCOTUS for a final ruling was part of the overall strategy from the beginning. It could not be otherwise. In order to strip away religious freedom from the proletariat the globalist-kabal surely factored in as part of the plan a going through the motions of various court challenges ending up in the lap of their SCOTUS appointees so as to remove once and for all any recourse for those who will object. The so-called new-world-order would never come about if the game were not completely rigged.

Religious freedom in the USA? - it's on life-support, and the thing about that is that we all know what the 'globalist-kabal' i.e. zionist kingdom-comers [link] think about "life support". That is made very clear by the unending dialectic to implement "death panels" as part of their herd-management forced 'healthcare' agenda [link].

Religious freedom in the USA, it seems, on 3-25-14, is going before a death panel.

Whether or not a loss at SCOTUS will result in widespread civil disobedience is difficult to determine at this point. Over the past couple of years a number of groups have pledged widespread civil disobedience [see 'follow up' above for one example; also the "Manhattan Declaration"], but the playing field has been dramatically changed recently with the installation of new-world-pope Francis as chief Vatican speech giver. He has already gone on record stating that those who will not relinquish their "obsession" with opposing things like "abortion, contraception and homosexuality" have a "serious illness" [link]. The so-called pope said that? It really is late, is it not? Clearly, Bergoglio aka Francis is reading his assigned lines from the global-kabalist script, as do all the 'players'. At any rate..be aware of all these things. They signify tremendous upheavals directed at everything true and right on planet earth.  Rev. 18:4
Psalms 37:12-13 'The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.'


Extreme Propaganda Alert: New Nabisco Commercial Shows Two Dads W/Baby, Child, Says "This Is Wholesome"

Do we really have to watch this? Wish it were not so but awareness is imperative. Do you know what your children are seeing on the television while you are busy doing other things that need to be done? They may be undergoing graham cracker enticement into some NWO homosexual indoctrination. Do be aware. fyi

Rev. 18:4
Gen. 19:24 'Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven'

"ReThink911" Building 7 Implosion Video Being Shown in Canadian Subways; And Agenda 21 Communitarianism

New ad campaign in TTC stations presents alternative 9/11 theory

American group’s 15-second video promotes idea that World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed due to a controlled demolition.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is paying for a 15-second ad to be broadcast on 300 TV screens in Toronto’s subway stations until April 1, promoting its belief that the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on Sept. 11, 2001, was due to a controlled demolition.

It’s a story that has been heard many times before, even though the official investigation says it was falling debris from the nearby Twin Towers that ignited fires in Building 7 and ultimately caused it to collapse.

The latest “ReThink911” ad campaign coincides with an 18-city Canadian speaking tour by one of the group’s members, architect Richard Gage...“What we’re trying to do is raise a red flag, because if there’s any question about what happened on 9/11, which created two wars and the loss of our civil liberties and massive economic hardship to the people of Canada and America, then we’ve got to get to a real investigation and answer these questions.”

TTC spokesman Brad Ross said he highly doubts the video violates the commission’s advertising policy, which prohibits ads inciting hate or violence, or contravenes the Ontario Human Rights Code. He said if the TTC receives five public complaints about the campaign, a board subcommittee will undertake a review to determine if staff appropriately applied the advertising policy for ReThink911. As of Tuesday afternoon, one complaint had already been lodged, by Gordon Yarley, who tweeted his displeasure at Ross. The Toronto resident saw the ad on Reddit.

This post is a follow up on: Another Global Coalition Forming - "ReThink 9/11" Going "Guerrilla" In 11 Cities Worldwide In September (9-'13) 7-20-13 "New York City, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Washington D.C., San Diego, London, Toronto (Canada), Vancouver (Canada), Sydney (Australia) - Eleven cities, for the entire 'ninth' month (September) of 2013...interesting how the 'numerology' of that itself works out to a 9-11. That aside, anything whatsoever having to do with any organized 'global coalition', and built around catch phrases like "common interest" and "common desire", will in every instance serve only the interest of the global agendists...The goal of 'coalition building', always, regardless of the specific "common interest", even one as weighty as the reality of 9/11 [link], is to draw people into facilitated meetings with pre-arranged outcomes so that so-called community action committees, aka "grass-roots", can be created. These are then used to piece together the communitarian structure of the planned totalitarian global system at the local levels. Community-based management is what they call it, and the goal is to get everybody involved, i.e. connected, i.e. controlled: (quotes from video at link) [2:25] The campaign will empower people worldwide in a way that allows each and every person to participate at any level; [3:05] "Together let's change the course of history..." ...Global coalitions create global control at the community level. That is the only purpose for them. Very simply, when you see global coalitions, you are seeing Agenda 21 communitarianism in disguise. [see post; video]

"Falling debris from the nearby Twin Towers that ignited fires in Building 7" and caused a perfect implosion, just like the also perfect implosions of the actual Twin Towers - that is still the perfectly impossible official story. Nevertheless, the ad campaign described above is currently being broadcast on 300 screens in Toronto Canada subway stations, and is a lead-in to an 18-city speaking tour by a member of "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth". The 2014 global-reality of this though is that a coordinated effort like the one described here has only one real purpose, and it has nothing to do with "truth". It does though have everything to do with 'coalition building', which is foundational to implementation of the Zionist-kingdom scheme called communitarianism. Coalitions become community management teams, as described above, controlled of course by the globalist-facilitators. With 'management teams' in place, the community is to then be hard-wired into the one-world kingdom system and submitted to the dictates of the would-be kings of the earth.

That is the plan anyway, and as seen here, even the free-falling 9/11 towers are now being used to get the 'serfdom' themselves working as general laborers, albeit ignorantly, 'building up' what essentially is a new "Tower of Babel". In creating functioning community managements, they effectively are carrying the bricks and buckets of slime for the 'Tower' (Gen 11:3).

The thing about it though - the new Tower will never stand, it has a faulty foundation. There is no cornerstone.
see: Bible prophecy -Isaiah 28:16
see also: Randy 'Macho Man' Savage, Hulk Hogan Foretell 9/11 In 1989: "You're Going To See The Twin Towers Come Crumbling Down"

Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 13:19 'And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah'


Genderless 2014: Castrated Male Wins 'Miss Congeniality' In 'Christian' University Pageant, Plans To Start "Fra-ority"

This post is a follow up on: Bossy Facebook Lady Wants To Boss Everybody Around And Tell Them Not To Say 'Bossy'; NWO No-Gender Agenda 3-11-14 "Genderless-ness is the real issue here. Not only is the ZNWO-cabal intent on destroying masculinity in the general population [link], but femininity is also slated for elimination. Here is the real reason for the recent attack against little girls playing with Barbie dolls, which was the 'big story' last week. Barbie - way too feminine - can't teach little girls about being feminine. Androgyny is the novus-ordo-seclorum ideal, and the program to morph the next generation into androgynous-hybrid global citizens is well underway. Here is the real reason for the unrelenting Justin Cyrus/Miley Beiber androgyny-brainwash in-your-face news coverage, and the transgender trans-formation of schools and society in general, and now making a point to ban a particular word, which in this instance really is only being used to create a "teachable moment" for society, namely that 'genderless-ness' is 'the way' - i.e. erasing the distinction between boys and girls...' [see post]
Students at church-affiliated university salute transsexuality

[California] A senior at Chapman University in Orange County became the first transgender contestant to win the title of "Miss Congeniality" in the school's all-female pageant. Transgender contestant Addie Vincent fought for the title against 15 competitors and was crowned [Miss Congeniality].

For the competition, Vincent read an original poem titled "The Look," which details the struggles that transgender people experience each day. The student, who is working to create the university's first gender-neutral "fra-ority" (Theta Pi Sigma), has stated his participation in the pageant was to bring awareness to the transgender lifestyle.

Chapman University was founded in 1861 as Hesperian College by members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The school's Department of Religious Studies "reflects the broad ecumenical and pluralistic interest" of that denomination, according to the university's website.

Looking at the picture, it seems that none of the young people have any problem with this. Everybody back slapping and congratulating themselves over their 'enlightened' and 'progressive' views of human sexuality. Can you say absolutely blinded and brainwashed? Reportedly the castrated male won his title by a vote of 20-0. Confusing the sexual identities of the current and next generation is advancing in leaps and bounds, the operative word there being "confusing". Confusion is just another word for 'chaos'. Ordo ab chao - order out of chaos. This is on display. Take the identity, take the soul.

At this point it is impossible to avoid being impacted by this NWO-androgyny agenda, but it is not impossible to refuse to be yourself 'trans'-formed by the soul-snatchers, whether physically, for some, or mentally, for the public-at-large. Educate your children so they can protect themselves too - they are facing an unrelenting bombardment of 'transformative'-psychological warfare in every sphere. The fact is that they (the soul-snatchers) fully intend to bring them all into a great global "fra-ority". To not educate your children, to not counter the false, to do nothing, is to turn them over to it. Many will ignorantly do just that. What will it be?
 Rev. 18:4
See also: Insurance Companies Being Mandated To Pay For Sex-Changes As "Gender Dysphoria" Now "Bonafide" 3-1-14 "In the now Brave New World of 2014 "gender dysphoria" is now recognized as a "bonafide medical condition", the "expression" of it belonging to a "protected class", and for those private businesses who may still not want to play along with the "protected gender dysphoria expression" agenda, BNW government is sending out notices "prohibiting discrimination"...De-genderizing society - and especially going after the young, and everybody forced to 'play along'. Such is the current state of affairs in the anti-Christ world of 2014. Recommend take note and adjust accordingly.
John 8:12 'Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life'


It's All Scripted: Paula Deen On 3-10-14 People Magazine Cover Promotes 'Comeback' With 'Sign Language'

Follow up on: Paula Deen Drama An NWO 'Object Lesson' About Data Collection ala NSA 6-21-13 "We've seen the 'object lesson' more than a few times over the past few years - the celebrity guest 'crosses the line' with a certain comment, and promptly loses their job because of it...This 'Paula Deen' episode brings an entirely new twist on the theme into play though, and, it will be noticed, is perfectly timed to coincide with recent 'revelations' of government data collection on citizens...as the script now reads, the celebrity (read: insider) in question in this instance is being chastised for things way way back in the past. Things said, reportedly, 27 years ago (1986) - Big Brother object lesson for John Q. Public? Remember that e-mail you sent five years ago...that Facebook post a few years back...well we do...Begging for forgiveness, pledging to "learn and grow", and declaring that "inappropriate and hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable", and then begging some more, as demonstrated by Ms. Deen, may possibly earn you a reprieve though, but that depends. As seen above, the Food Network is making no promises to forgive and reinstate, but has said that they will "continue to monitor the situation"...The world of today is a nothing more than a giant endless psy-op. Everything that is happening manufactured. Couldn't create a zionist global kingdom-come any other way [link]. Big Brother wants submissive subjects. Be informed. [see post]
Paula Deen 'Comeback' To The Tune Of $75 Million [title changed]

Deen, 67, is on the March 10 cover of People magazine, arguably the highest-profile stop on her mea culpa tour that she hopes will help her regain the favorable media spotlight...

Deen saw her food and media empire implode in 2013 following a lawsuit filed by a former employee. The employee spoke of hostile working conditions and said that Deen was given to racially tinged language and outlandish comments.

Many blame the media for seemingly taking a side in a lawsuit filed by a disgruntled employee -- a lawsuit that has since been dismissed in part, and ultimately settled. (It needs to be noted that the accuser has since described Deen as a "woman of compassion and kindness" who would "never tolerate discrimination or racism.")

Now, Deen is ready to put all that behind her. She told People: "I've learned a lot."

A private firm is investing in Deen, plunging more than $75 million into a new company, Paula Deen Ventures.

re: 'mea culpa tour'

Always always always...always...hidden in plain sight. Examine Deen's People magazine cover photo [above] closely. See anything? There seems to be an attempt at subtlety, but not really because it is glaring. Here's a clue...look at the right hand. That sign language is universal, and unmistakable. Can a person pose for the cover of a major magazine and be unaware of the position of their hands? - no. Is it possible that a very suggestive and unnatural hand position like the one above could get past a photo editor responsible for the cover of a major magazine unnoticed? - no again.

What then? Hard to see it in any other way than another hidden-in-plain-sight message from the global kabal, that the scripted event has been played out, and the precedent established...and this is what we think of ya'll. That precedent being those things mentioned in the 'follow up' post linked above - namely being held accountable for things in the past, even way back, as demonstrated by the Deen script which had for it's plotline 'racial comments' from 27 years past. But Deen, as also seen in the 'follow up', had profusely apologized and volunteered for 're-education'. She promised to "learn and grow" like a good Brave New World citizen should do, and so here now she is back, and note especially the banner across her midsection in the photo - "I've learned a lot". Get the message everyone?

As for Deen, note that everything looks to be coming up roses now. The purported lawsuit is done and gone, the purported accuser is singing Deen's praises, and she has a new mega-million business venture underway. All in all a rather profitable 'ordeal' it seems. Note one more thing also. The headline under her midsection-banner gives a time reference for this production - nine months. Seems that something may have been 'birthed'. Just noting these things. For the record, noting these things is unpleasant, but understanding how events in the world are so completely manipulated to achieve an end is needful. So, definitely take note because, whatever may have been birthed might be coming after you one day.
 Rev. 18:4
compare: Vogue - Michelle Obama 'Sign Language' [12-'09]
Isaiah 3:11 ' Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him'


'New World Pope' Francis One Year Old Today [3-13-14] - 'New World' Assimilation Of Catholic Church In Full Swing

3-26-13 special edition TIME magazine;
13 days after 3-13-13 papal 'selection'
Paradigm shift. It's a phrase that has had a lot of air time over the last few years. The phrase is used to describe a situation when everything changes at once. How it's always been...suddenly...is not the way it is anymore. It is a strategy for radical transformation. It does not happen by itself, it must be orchestrated. It's purpose is to bypass resistance - by the time people figure out what's happening it's too late, it's already done. In the blink of an eye-of-horus everything is changed. The nations of the world are being paradigm-shifted into global government, and the religions of the world are being paradigm-shifted into global religion. This without question includes the Catholic Church. When Benedict 'suddenly' bowed out of his pope-dom a little more than a year ago, the Catholic Church paradigm-shift[ed] into high gear. Before the dust even settled, Bergoglio/Francis was moved in and already nicknamed the "New World Pope". Hitting the ground running, the rhetoric began to fly out of the papal headquarters faster than seagulls released to chase doves [link], espousing every radical transformative agenda item on the zionist-new-world manifesto, from endorsing atheism to denouncing opponents of abortion and homosexuality i.e. sodomy. And of course just recently letting slip the 'curse heard 'round the world'* (would that qualify him as one who "spake as a dragon"? - Rev. 13:11). And these are only some of the 'sudden changes' NWP Francis/Bergoglio has introduced in his one short year of script-reading papal conjuring. The Jesuit (Zionist) reality is that the fake-false prophet role-playing [see first, fourth link below] is just getting warmed up. To whom it may concern, Catholic church people that means you, these facts must be faced. The issues could not be any more serious. Catholicism is being delivered up to the Antichrist 'new-world'.  Rev. 18:4
First year timeline (partial):

3-13-13 New Pope Arrives 3-13-13: Bergoglio Anagram and "Last Pope Prophecy", A21, Purpose Driven, Seagull Symbolism "Basically the way this is being laid out ['Last Pope Prophecy'] is that the incoming pope is 'prophesied' to be an impostor [i.e. the biblical 'false prophet'] who is going to come in and destroy the Catholic church and usher in the apocalypse. The destruction of the Catholic church very likely is exactly what will occur. The Catholic church must also be broken down and subjugated to the Zionist global agenda, and eventually put under talmudic jewish noahide control along with every other world religion [link]"

(3-25-13) TIME released to coincide
with 3-13-13 inauguration ceremony
10-30-13 'New World' Religion (and New World Pope): U.S. Catholic And "Some Protestant Churches" Sign Historic "Ecumenical" Agreement "When Benedict suddenly resigned his pope-hood earlier this year, that was another first. When Bergoglio (Francis) was installed, that too was another first - the first "Jesuit" (zionist) to ever assume the role. These unprecedented events clearly signaled something new would be coming [see: Bergoglio 3-13-13]. Lo and behold something new did come - the active member of the first-ever dual living pope scenario was introduced to the world as the "New World Pope". The message in that could not possibly be any more blatant: that the time to make the full-fledged Babylonish-kabbalist one-world-religion plan happen had arrived. This was stated as plain as day, as they always do, by 'hiding it in plain sight' - in this instance by plastering it all over the cover of the 3-25-13 TIME"

11-6-13 Illinois House Speaker Quotes 'New World Pope' Francis To Justify Passing Homosexual Pseudo-Marriage 11-6-13 "Pope Francis has spoken" says Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, and, "This is huge", says the pope's counterpart 'New World' spokesperson, Obama. Truly, what just happened here is enormous - not only has NWP Bergoglio/Francis recently gone on record endorsing atheists as viable candidates for 'salvation', but his carefully worded soundbites are now actually being used to endorse the global sodomite revolution. The scripting on all parts is clearly evident...The Catholic Church is being 'delivered up' to the One-World religion of Antichrist from the top-down. Take careful consideration of what you are witnessing, interested parties, because what you are now seeing portends many more evils in the days to come.

12-11-13 TIME Names 'New World Pope' Francis Person Of The Year - Portray Him With 'Horns Like A Lamb'; And "Last Pope Prophecy" NWO Fake 'False Prophet' "...what the "New World Pope" is saying is that those within the Catholic Church who will not get on board, and, essentially, relinquish the historic "obsessions" about "abortion, contraception and homosexuality"...in exchange for the one-world unity of 'brotherly love' of course...which he is terming as becoming "more merciful" ...have a "serious illness". In other words, they are 'sick', according to NWP Francis. ...on the alleged "Last Pope Prophecy" ...the idea of the so-called 'prophecy' is that the incoming pope, whoever it would be, essentially would turn out to be the biblical 'False Prophet'. As discussed in that post, and the one below, that is an impossibility (the time is not yet), but, this does not rule out the possibility of the creation of an 'imitation' for the specific purpose of faking bible prophecy - Rev. 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon"  - As for that, the specific way that this TIME cover of Francis was done also seems worth noting, in that the 'horns' are rather small, even lamb-like perhaps. And again, as to the composition of the photo being all in white like it is, that seems to add to the overall effect of 'lamb-likeness' too. Mary (Catholic church) had a little lamb...?

12-17-13 'New World Pope' Francis Named Homosexual Magazine's (The Advocate) Person Of The Year "It has been said that "Francis" is the "Obama" of the Catholic Church. That statement is self-explanatory. They did not name him the New-World-Pope without reason [see: New World Pope - New World Religion]. Probably "for shifting the message", and "marking a break" with all his new-world type rhetoric about homosexuality, and abortion, and non-dogmatism in doctrine...All the things that belong to the 'new world order'. That is what Jesuits i.e. Zionists are all about though - the new world order, so it should not come as any surprise really...In fact, the rhetoric should be expected to increase exponentially"

*3-3-14 New-World-Pope Francis "Accidentally" Drops F-Bomb In Speech - 'False Prophet' Image Builder? "Everything is meticulously stage managed. Especially the 'rock-star' image being created for new-world-pope Francis. If anybody wants to believe that this incident was not stage-managed, that is their prerogative. Cursing the world by accident? Really think so...?"

Jeremiah 7:4 'Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, The temple of the LORD, are these'


'Vanishing' Malaysian 777 Jet - Really? Or Hidden In 'Plane' Sight Psy-Op Hoax - 'Twilight-Zoning' 'Em

Reality check world - planes do not vanish off radar screens and disappear into thin air. Although professional magicians can make large objects appear to disappear as part of their act, making a plane 'appear to disappear' via a reported story disseminated through the globally controlled media conglomerate would not even fall into the same category. It would be much more difficult to make an elephant appear-to-disappear in a studio than to write a script about a plane 'disappearing' without a trace and then send it out to the propaganda network to fill in news slots for the next year or who knows how long. Not to mention that pure fiction makes for a very low-cost psy-op - no overhead, and exactly as is being done with this "Twilight Zone" production, the plot can be twisted endlessly, just the way the ZNWO Bureau of Propaganda loves to do.

Vanishing plane..or hidden in 'plane' sight simulated crisis/psy-op for a little psychotic mindbending of John Q. Public's collective consciousness?

Note: magicians do not really do "magic" - it's just illusion. But if it's on CBSNBCMSNBCCNNABC then it must be real. Just like 911tucsonaurorasandyboston etc. right?

Compare [777]: Numerology Gone Wild: San Francisco Boeing 777 Incident, Rihanna 777, Wimbledon Final (7's gone wild) - And '666'? 7-10-13 "Toward the end of the video the video maker suggests the possibility of the San Francisco plane incident being a ritual sacrifice type event. No comment in that regard, other than to note that an argument for an empty plane - staged event might be more plausible...Are any world events real anymore, or is it all sorcerer's illusions in order to create a mystical kabbalistic Babylon new world order.

Rev. 18:4
Rev. 18:21, 23 'And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived'

Wall Street Journal Reports On Quiet 2-Yr. Repeal Of 'Obamacare' Individual Mandate

Follow up on "Opt Out Of 'Individual Mandate'? "Now Anybody Can Get An ObamaCare Exemption", Says 'Health Freedom' Group" 1-31-14 "In many cases, a regulator would say someone needs to prove that he or she is experiencing a hardship to be exempt – but Brase says that's not the case with the 14th exemption. "It says, Please submit documentation if possible"
ObamaCare's Secret Mandate Exemption  WSJ
HHS quietly repeals the individual purchase rule for two more years

[Excerpted] ObamaCare's implementers continue to roam the battlefield and shoot their own wounded, and the latest casualty is the core of the Affordable Care Act—the individual mandate. To wit, last week the Administration quietly excused millions of people from the requirement to purchase health insurance or else pay a tax penalty.

This latest political reconstruction has received zero media notice, and the Health and Human Services Department didn't think the details were worth discussing in a conference call, press materials or fact sheet. Instead, the mandate suspension was buried in an unrelated rule that was meant to preserve some health plans that don't comply with ObamaCare benefit and redistribution mandates. Our sources only noticed the change this week.

That seven-page technical bulletin includes a paragraph and footnote that casually mention that a rule in a separate December 2013 bulletin would be extended for two more years, until 2016. Lo and behold, it turns out this second rule, which was supposed to last for only a year, allows Americans whose coverage was cancelled to opt out of the mandate altogether.

...last week the agency created a new category: Now all you need to do is fill out a form attesting that your plan was cancelled and that you "believe that the plan options available in the [ObamaCare] Marketplace in your area are more expensive than your cancelled health insurance policy" or "you consider other available policies unaffordable."

This lax standard—no formula or hard test beyond a person's belief—at least ostensibly requires proof such as an insurer termination notice. But people can also qualify for hardships for the unspecified nonreason that "you experienced another hardship in obtaining health insurance," which only requires "documentation if possible." [see 'follow up' above]. And yet another waiver is available to those who say they are merely unable to afford coverage, regardless of their prior insurance. In a word, these shifting legal benchmarks offer an exemption to everyone who conceivably wants one.

Keeping its mandate waiver secret for now is an attempt get past November and in the meantime sign up as many people as possible for government-subsidized health care. Our sources in the insurance industry are worried the regulatory loophole sets a mandate non-enforcement precedent, and they're probably right. The longer it is not enforced, the less likely any President will enforce it.

According to this article, published 3-12-14 by the Wall Street Journal, and although this information is at this juncture still something of a secret, as pointed out in the article, opting out of "Obamacare" is now as easy as saying...'can't afford it'. As stated, this is one step further than the exemption reported on six weeks ago requiring the filing of a hardship claim even if there is no documentation.  - fyi


Bossy Facebook Lady Wants To Boss Everybody Around And Tell Them Not To Say 'Bossy'; NWO No-Gender Agenda

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg Launches Campaign To Ban The Word "Bossy"

Facebook COO and Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg has launched a campaign to ban the word "bossy", saying that it deters girls from becoming leaders. This isn't the first time Sandberg has spoken up about the word. She brought up the topic at TEDWomen 2013, has spoken about it during television appearances, and discussed it in depth in Lean In, her motivational book about women in the workplace...The new campaign has support from such women as Jennifer Garner, Beyoncé, Jane Lynch, fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg, NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Girl Scouts USA CEO Anna Maria Chávez

This story, even though just a day or so old by now, is old news already. Everybody has heard it, but an organized campaign to destroy speech as large as this is turning out to be should be noted just the same. The reality is that the true agenda is much more than just some bossy ladies wanting to boss everybody around and tell them what they can or cannot say. It goes deeper, much deeper, which is why there is such a huge coalition already forming around this one particular word - and why so many big-names are already on board. Genderless-ness is the real issue here. Not only is the ZNWO-cabal intent on destroying masculinity in the general population [link], but femininity is also slated for elimination. Here is the real reason for the recent attack against little girls playing with Barbie dolls, which was the 'big story' last week. Barbie - way too feminine - can't teach little girls about being feminine. Androgyny is the novus-ordo-seclorum ideal, and the program to morph the next generation into androgynous-hybrid global citizens is well underway. Here is the real reason for the unrelenting Justin Cyrus/Miley Beiber androgyny-brainwash in-your-face news coverage, and the transgender trans-formation of schools and society in general, and now making a point to ban a particular word, which in this instance really is only being used to create a "teachable moment" for society, namely that 'genderless-ness' is 'the way' - i.e. erasing the distinction between boys and girls. Boys and girls must be treated the same (see video), they would have everybody submit to. A massive coalition forming to ban 'bossy'? - It's a 'genderless' conspiracy. Guard the minds of your boys and girls because 'they' want to 'de-boy' and 'de-girl' their minds.

No country identity, no family identity, no gender identity - moldable identity-less little 666 droids is where it's going. Be aware.
 Rev. 18:4
Compare: Nanny Football League [NFL] Latest: End Free Speech - Penalize Players For 'N' Word, 'Other' Slurs; Staff Too 2-23-14 "Limiting the use of even one word by 'law' is an end to free speech. The forbidden list can only grow, and the growth can only go from words to topics. Free speech - the NFL just called for a blitz on it. Including this, they are now running at least five major nwo social-order-redesign agendas. Still a fan? They sure hope so - it's you they want to re-order...[see post]
Isaiah 66:6 'A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the LORD that rendereth recompence to his enemies'

As Evil Reigns In The End-Of-This-Age, What Should Believers Do? Get Ye To Higher Ground - Oatman, 1898

The farther down into gross darkness [Isaiah 60:2] this world spirals, the further up the believer should go - press on the upward way believer...
I'm pressing on the upward way,
New heights I'm gaining every day;
Still praying as I'm onward bound,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven's table land,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

I want to live above the world,
Though Satans darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.

I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray till Heav'n I've found,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1898

Psalms 18:31-33 'For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God? It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places'


NWO-Pope Francis Takes 1st Step In Homosexualizing Catholic Church - Opens Door To 'Civil Unions'

Pope, in interview, suggests church could tolerate some civil unions

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis suggested the Catholic Church could tolerate some types of nonmarital civil unions as a practical measure to guarantee property rights and health care. He also said the church would not change its teaching against artificial birth control but should take care to apply it with "much mercy."

"Matrimony is between a man and a woman," the pope said, but moves to "regulate diverse situations of cohabitation (are) driven by the need to regulate economic aspects among persons, as for instance to assure medical care." Asked to what extent the church could understand this trend, he replied: "It is necessary to look at the diverse cases and evaluate them in their variety."

Bishops around the world have differed in their responses to civil recognition of nonmarital unions. The president of the Pontifical Council for the Family said in February 2013 that some legal arrangements are justifiable to protect the inheritance rights of nonmarried couples. But until now, no pope has indicated even tentative acceptance of civil unions.

Pope Francis' words appeared in an interview published March 5 in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

This post is a follow up on: 'New World Pope' Francis Named Homosexual Magazine's (The Advocate) Person Of The Year 12-17-13 
"Quote: "He has not yet said"...but..."his willingness to open a dialogue is a start". Opening a "dialogue" is opening the door and inviting in. Once the door is opened it can never be shut again...New World Pope Francis may have "not yet said", but the door is open and the dark magic of the dialectic has been unleashed to gain it's dark objective, in this case which happens to be the homosexualization of the Catholic Church. Bergoglio/Francis "has not yet said"? It's a done deal Catholics. That's why they call him the "New World Pope" [link]...That is what Jesuits i.e. Zionists are all about though - the new world order, so it should not come as any surprise really...In fact, the rhetoric should be expected to increase exponentially - for those who will face the undeniable facts...Catholics
Rhetoric Increasing Exponentially

Catholic acceptance of "civil unions" as a "practical measure"? That, observers, is the 'dialectic dialogue' in full swing. The naming of Bergoglio/Francis as homosexual magazine The Advocate's "Person of the Year" was less than three months ago. Their statement was that it was the New World Pope's "willingness to open a dialogue" on homosexual-agenda items that earned him their dubious honor, which he has in fact done. So here you go, as mentioned in the 'follow up' directly above, opening a dialogue always means the opening of the door also, and as seen here, it just happened. And, wasting no time whatsoever, "civil unions", which represent phase-one of the ZWO bowed-to Baal homosexuality-acceptance strategy, are rushing right on in.

Note also the statement that "Bishops around the world have differed" as to this issue of "civil recognition". This very clearly reveals the working of the dialectic, obviously suggesting to the minds of the hearers that there are some who are in favor, and that being the case, then the 'homosexual-question' may no longer be necessarily seen as an "absolute". And therein is the 'dark magic' of the dialectic. Once that absolute is given up, even as a "practical measure", the battle is over. And the fact is, Catholic, that 'absolute' ground has just been officially surrendered - by no less than the 'pope' himself.

Civil unions, so-called, are just phase one of the homosexual/transgender/anything-goes aspect of the Catholic-church's now-underway global-spirituality trance-formation. Phase two, three, and four will be coming in the same open door.

It makes absolutely no difference what any pope, bishop, priest, or supposed 'theologian' says, God in his Holy Bible has already spoken very clearly on the matter:

God's Judgement On Homosexuality Is Clear In His Word: Absolutely Not

The NWO 'homosexualization of the Catholic Church' is being choreographed, from the top down. To whomsoever it may concern, this reality must be faced. To stay 'in' without coming into agreement with the 'new way' of doing things is impossible - it cannot be done.

There is only one answer, and it has to do with that same door that NWP Francis is opening. Have to go out of it.
 Rev. 18:4
see also: Illinois House Speaker Quotes 'New World Pope' Francis To Justify Passing Homosexual Pseudo-Marriage 11-6-13
Eph. 5:6 'Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience'  [cf. Rom. 10:9-10,13]


Purpose-Driver Rick Warren, Catholics Join Hands To Call Churches To Push NWO 'Mental Health' Agenda

Rick Warren calls church to mental health ministry

Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren is starting a new mental health ministry following the suicide of his son Matthew, who at age 27 shot himself in April after years of struggling with severe depression.

Warren will team up with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange and the National Alliance on Mental Illness to raise awareness and remove the misunderstandings against mental illnesses within the faith community. On March 28, the three groups will host The Gathering on Mental Health and the Church, a daylong event at Saddleback that will cover a wide range of mental health issues, from bipolar disorder to eating disorders. Warren hopes the conference will educate family members of people living with mental illness, encourage those who are struggling, and motivate other churches to create similar mental health ministries.

Our goal is, as we say, we crack the door open and then churches go, ‘OK. If the diocese is doing this, if Saddleback’s doing this, we can do this,’” Warren said. “And we’d love to see a movement started where people actually begin to say, ‘We need to see this element added to our local ministry.’”

re: 'motivate...churches to create...mental health ministries'

Mental health, so called, is a critical component of the ZWO population-control agenda. Mandatory screening of the public as a routine part of overall health care is the end goal - adults, children, everybody. The agenda is now being forced in every arena. Forced screening for "mental fitness" creates a gate-keeping mechanism where 'mental-health professionals' would have the ability to identify those who may not 'think' the way the novus-ordo-seclorum-ites would like them to. It is not difficult to see the real intent. Answer all questions correctly and there will be no problem - answering incorrectly might just get you red-flagged. Purpose-driven Warren is on board as a result of the purported suicide of his son, purportedly occurring less than one year ago (4-'13). Immediately after this purported incident, Warren suddenly became a national spokesman and champion of the cause.

And as now seen, the time has come to take things to the next level, manipulating the church-world to buy into the scheme. This is a very significant development in all things antichrist-globalization. You have Warren, supposedly representing mainstream Christianity, now forging an open partnership with the Catholic Church...for the cause. That's called one-world-religion. But that's not all, the Purpose-Drivers will now roll out the red carpet for the "mental health professionals" and usher them in to spread their own 'religious dogmas' i.e. psychology and psychiatry, and then network the churches into their new-world-order 'mental health' system - which is exactly what will happen.

Preaching the Gospel of "if any man be in Christ he is a new creature" (2Cor. 5:17)? That's the one that teaches that the "old man", Adam, can never be 'fixed', and that the only remedy for him is the cross (Rom. 6:6); and that the only 'fixing' of a person that is possible can come about only by becoming a "new creature", which can only come by a new birth (John 3:3,5) - that's out. Psychology, psychiatry, etc. all attempt to 'fix' the old man, Adam, which cannot be done (Rom. 8:7; 1Cor. 15:22). The Christian church is supposed to preach this gospel of the 'new creature in Christ', not the humanist psychological anti-gospel of patched-up Adam. For the record though, neither Warren or the Catholic church ever has taught the true gospel of the new birth.*

At any rate, the 'true Gospel of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' definitely does not mesh with the global agenda. This is a given. 'Fixing' people is not the real goal of the global agenda anyway - the real goal is controlling them. The 'mental health' agenda is to be a means to that end. Warren is now a prime promoter as a direct result of the incident regarding his son, which has brought things to the point where they are now, joining hands with the Catholic church and 'mental-health practitioner' friends to push the globalist's one-world purpose-driven mental-health control-agenda in a new and big way.

Warren leading the charge - real happenings, or textbook case of problem-reaction-solution? Probably not a hard question. Be informed.
 Rev. 18:4
The timeline:

4-7-13 Rick Warren's Son Reportedly Takes Own Life; Global Agenda Of Gun Control And 'Mental Health' "As for the reports of the son of Rick Warren taking his own life, no comment will be made. Rather than that, a very brief observation on the circumstances of the incident, which is to simply note how remarkably the scenario as described fits the current political narrative concerning the global-agenda issues of gun control and mental health. Without question, these two topics are an absolute priority to that global agenda...Warren moves at the highest levels of globalist circles. This is no secret. It would not be a surprise if this incident becomes part of the equation regarding these global-agenda issues, possibly even becoming a platform for Warren to press the issue.

4-12-13 Update: Rick Warren Reports Son Used "Unregistered Gun" - And Gun Control, 'Mental Health', Purpose Driven "An unregistered gun...from the internet....with the serial number scratched off. And, according to the report, Warren and wife have set up a "mental health fund". What is the take away from this next part of the Warren-son story? The reality is that it is exactly what was suggested in the original 4-7-13 post on this story - that is that this incident would become "part of the equation" regarding the gun-control and so-called 'mental health' agendas, and that Warren would in fact suddenly have a platform from which to press the issues. And just like that, there it is, and here he is...NWO Purpose-Driven social-works networks pushing the mandatory 'mental health evaluations' agenda... Gun control, 'mental health', and "Purpose-Driven"... are now all permanently linked

4-18-13 Update: Rick Warren Says 1-In-5 Americans Have "Mental Illness" - Starts Petition For NWO 'Mental Health' Agenda “Join Kay and I, and the Saddleback Family, in our effort to urge educators, lawmakers, healthcare professionals, and church congregations to raise the awareness and lower the stigma of mental illness" - Warren's son reported to have taken his own life [link 4-7-13], an unregistered gun that cannot be traced or linked to anybody, and a private memorial service, all in about a weeks time. And that is the whole story. Over and done, as fast as it came, it goes away...except for, amazing how that works, the new platform that Rick Warren has now been placed upon. That would be the platform to urge "educators, lawmakers, healthcare professionals, and church congregations" to get on board with the NWO agenda for an Orwellian population control mechanism via so-called 'mental health screening'... Warren's statement that "one in five Americans experiences some sort of mental illness" is as Orwellian of a statement as could possibly be made, and reveals clearly just how perfectly in lockstep Warren is with the cabalist global scheme to population-control through forced mental health evaluations.   [Follow links, connect dots]

*Gal. 1:9 'As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed' [Gal. 1:6-9]


New-World-Pope Francis "Accidentally" Drops F-Bomb In Speech - 'False Prophet' Image Builder?

Oops! Pope Francis accidentally drops an F-bomb during a blessing

While delivering a speech in Italian from a window at the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, the Spanish-speaking pope mispronounced the Italian word “caso.” ...Instead, he said “cazzo,” which apparently can mean the f-word, the s-word or a couple of other things we can’t print here.

The English translation of what he accidentally said: "If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this f*** ... in this case the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity.”

He knew immediately that he’d made a mistake and quickly corrected it...But oh, it was heard. The incident went viral among Italian media and on Twitter.

“The crowd gathered in St Peter's Square and those watching around the world asked themselves ‘Did he just say f***?’” wrote England’s The Daily Mail.

Foul language warning - whether the language is understood by the hearer or not, it is still foul -

'Jesuit' [Zionist] Bergoglio-Francis drops the "F-Bomb" in Italian! La gaffe di Papa Francesco- "In questo ca*#@o"!
The Curse Heard Around The World

Everything is meticulously stage managed. Especially the 'rock-star' image being created for new-world-pope Francis. If anybody wants to believe that this incident was not stage-managed, that is their prerogative. Cursing the world by accident? Really think so...? Just noting, but that is exactly what the real 'false prophet' will one day do. Image, image.

Just noting it.

Compare: TIME Names 'New World Pope' Francis Person Of The Year - Portray Him With 'Horns Like A Lamb'; And "Last Pope Prophecy" NWO Fake 'False Prophet' 12-11-13 "...what the "New World Pope" is saying is that those within the Catholic Church who will not get on board, and, essentially, relinquish the historic "obsessions" about "abortion, contraception and homosexuality"...in exchange for the one-world unity of 'brotherly love' of course...which he is terming as becoming "more merciful" ...have a "serious illness". In other words, they are 'sick', according to NWP Francis... It has been said that "Francis" is the "Obama" of the Catholic Church. That statement is self-explanatory. They did not name him the New-World-Pope without reason [see: New World Pope - New World Religion]. Probably "for shifting the message", and "marking a break" with all his new-world type rhetoric about homosexuality, and abortion, and non-dogmatism in doctrine, as mentioned in the quoted excerpts from the two articles linked above [see post]. All the things that belong to the 'new world order'. That is what Jesuits i.e. Zionists are all about though - the new world order, so it should not come as any surprise really... In fact, the rhetoric should be expected to increase exponentially - for those who will face the undeniable facts... Catholics. You do not really think that they do not have a strategy to deal with the "illness" do you? Can you say new-world-religion member?"  [NWP Francis IS NOT the real false prophet, timing-wise, prophetically, it is impossible, although it definitely appears that he is being portrayed in such a way so as to play the role - see post, follow links]

Rev. 18:4