8-12-24 Blog notice: When the pillar of cloud is taken up it means time to go [Numbers 9:22]. Such is the case here. The cloud is gone up. Received notice about a week ago - very unexpectedly - that the rental agreement for my long-rented apartment was to be ended... and would have to be out by a certain date. As far as this Rev.18.4 blog goes this basically means having to now 'close up shop' for an indeterminate length of time, as have no further information at this point - where to, what next, etc.. Have already started the breaking down so little blog activity should be expected over the next few weeks or month. Down the road a bit further.. cannot now say. To all who read this - press on.  Rev18:4


Trump Rally Shooting 911 Numerology Signature - Happens Exactly 6:11 pm; Ritual Just Opening Act Fake-Election 2024

7-13-24 Shooting At Trump Rally 911 Numerology - Exactly at 6:11
[click to enlarge]

Trump high drama happens at precisely 6:11 pm. Just chance? Zero chance. Kabbalah numerology - they run the world according to it - it is sorcery - 'they' are sorcerers - nothing is ever done without the 'numbers' - and since the numbers are in fact considered 'magical' - a mirror-flip 6-11 is just another way of looking at 9-11. Was it real? - while most would never even think to question it - the answer is: Zero chance -- if it happened - it was planned. Not dealing with amateurs here trying to build their Satanic new-world-order would-be Zionist-kingdom-kome to enthrone their god Baphomet-Lucifer as sovereign lord over all the earth. 2024 fake-election this ritual was just the opening act.. gonna get wild hold on to your hats folks..
This post a follow up on: "Bird Flu" Blamed As Another Huge Egg Facility Goes Down - CO Governor Declares Emergency; 2030 Step By Step "Bird flu hoax or no for 'humans' going live, next major thing coming for certain ... is 2024 fake-election ordo ab chao. Whole thing is a sitcom. Biden and Trump crisis actors. How they play it? .. stay tuned - coming from twisted minds guaranteed to be twisted as it gets."  [note: 7-13-24 10:45am post > 4:45pm et -- went up less than 90 min before 'showtime' -- conclusion: you ain't seen nuthin yet; stay tuned]

Rev. 18:4
7-16-24 follow up: Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- 2024 RNC Opening Night Announces "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Is Here With 'Illuminati Symbology' Display [Pics]

See aslo: Trump Illuminati Card New Discoveries: It's a 'Sniper' Card And Shows the Streaking Bullet -- Just Like the Famous Trump Picture

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