
Trump Rally Shooting 911 Numerology Signature - Happens Exactly 6:11 pm; Ritual Just Opening Act Fake-Election 2024

7-13-24 Shooting At Trump Rally 911 Numerology - Exactly at 6:11
[click to enlarge]

Trump high drama happens at precisely 6:11 pm. Just chance? Zero chance. Kabbalah numerology - they run the world according to it - it is sorcery - 'they' are sorcerers - nothing is ever done without the 'numbers' - and since the numbers are in fact considered 'magical' - a mirror-flip 6-11 is just another way of looking at 9-11. Was it real? - while most would never even think to question it - the answer is: Zero chance -- if it happened - it was planned. Not dealing with amateurs here trying to build their Satanic new-world-order would-be Zionist-kingdom-kome to enthrone their god Baphomet-Lucifer as sovereign lord over all the earth. 2024 fake-election this ritual was just the opening act.. gonna get wild hold on to your hats folks..
This post a follow up on: "Bird Flu" Blamed As Another Huge Egg Facility Goes Down - CO Governor Declares Emergency; 2030 Step By Step "Bird flu hoax or no for 'humans' going live, next major thing coming for certain ... is 2024 fake-election ordo ab chao. Whole thing is a sitcom. Biden and Trump crisis actors. How they play it? .. stay tuned - coming from twisted minds guaranteed to be twisted as it gets."  [note: 7-13-24 10:45am post > 4:45pm et -- went up less than 90 min before 'showtime' -- conclusion: you ain't seen nuthin yet; stay tuned]

Rev. 18:4
7-16-24 follow up: Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- 2024 RNC Opening Night Announces "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Is Here With 'Illuminati Symbology' Display [Pics]

See aslo: Trump Illuminati Card New Discoveries: It's a 'Sniper' Card And Shows the Streaking Bullet -- Just Like the Famous Trump Picture

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