8-12-24 Blog notice: When the pillar of cloud is taken up it means time to go [Numbers 9:22]. Such is the case here. The cloud is gone up. Received notice about a week ago - very unexpectedly - that the rental agreement for my long-rented apartment was to be ended... and would have to be out by a certain date. As far as this Rev.18.4 blog goes this basically means having to now 'close up shop' for an indeterminate length of time, as have no further information at this point - where to, what next, etc.. Have already started the breaking down so little blog activity should be expected over the next few weeks or month. Down the road a bit further.. cannot now say. To all who read this - press on.  Rev18:4


Trump Illuminati Card New Discoveries: It's A 'Sniper' Card - And It Shows The Streaking Bullet -- Just Like The Now Famous Trump Picture

Trump Illuminati Card New Discovery: It's a 'Sniper' Card - And It Shows The Streaking Bullet

As it turns out, not only is the Trump Illuminati card a 'Sniper' card [see below], meaning it actually foretells the staged 'sniper-event' of 7-13-24 [link*], but there is still another hidden-in-plain-sight secret, very telling, in the image:

New observation Trump Illuminati Card: note streak across middle of image on Trump Illuminati card [below] - Trump right side about ear level -- No question about it - it is an incredible match to the ridiculous supposed 'streaking bullet' picture put out after the Trump staged-shooting event [Trump supposedly hit on right ear]:

Trump Illuminati Card top line:
"At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you
Have a nice day"
  [see: original vid Enough is Enough]


*This post a follow up on: Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- 2024 RNC Opening Night Announces "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Is Here With Massive 'Illuminati Symbology' Display [Pics] "How far back are these things planned? Farther back than anyone can even realize. Planned to the exact day decades and many if not most more likely even centuries back.." [see post]

[Note: For those new to this topic the series of Illuminati Cards - more than 400 total - said to have came out 1994-95; article]

Rev. 18:4

Revelation 18:23 '...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived'

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