
2020 Flashback "Release The Kraken" -- Fake Korona Was The 'Kraken' Released On The 'Mortals' Of The World

Original post 12-26-20: Canada 'Released The Kraken' Feb. 2020 [Coin] - Just Before WHO Global Pandemic Declaration 3-11-20 - Leviathan Ritual  "A brand new coin series "Creatures of the North", the very first coin of [a] new series released late February 2020. And the very first creature featured on the very first coin just so happened to be the 'Kraken', the sea-beast that wreaks havoc on the people of the world. Interesting timing, considering this was exactly when the Corona PSYOP was just beginning, and then a few weeks later 3-11-20 WHO declared 'Corona' a global pandemic. And as the world has now experienced, Corona has been a sea-monster wreaking havoc across the seas in every country. How then should the 'release of the Kraken' coin not be seen as a symbolic ritualistic hidden-message of the creation and purpose of Fake-Corona? Seems that 'Kraken' is probably intended to symbolize the biblical beast-from-the-sea Leviathan [Rev. 13:1]." [see post]


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'Kraken' Released February 2020 - Wreaking Havoc Ever Since

"The reverse features the massive, legendary beast of the sea, which mariners of old trembled even to whisper its name; the Kraken! The design is quite remarkable, following the belief that this monster sea creature was, or at least resembled a gigantic deep ocean squid. However, the scale of the Kraken compared to the ocean-going ship is massively larger than the ship. The creature is shown effortlessly ripping the helpless ship in two with its tentacles. This was indeed a legendary monster to be feared!"  [see post]

Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 27:1 'In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea'

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