
After Only Three Days, Defense Rests In CA Homosexual Pseudo-Marriage Case

Follow up on: Homosexual Pseudo-Marriage Advocates Rest Case In CA Supreme Court 1-23-10
Defense lawyers rest case at gay marriage trial

SAN FRANCISCO - Testimony has ended in a federal case challenging California's ban on same-sex marriage.
Lawyers for the sponsors of Proposition 8 tentatively rested their case Wednesday after introducing materials from the 2008 election campaign.
The trial is exploring whether states that deny gays and lesbians the right to wed are violating the U.S. Constitution.
Defense lawyers asked Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker to reserve their option to present more documents based on subpoenas they have issued to gay rights groups that opposed the measure.
The defense called just two expert witnesses. More than a dozen witnesses appeared for the plaintiffs.
Walker has said he wants to take several weeks to review all the evidence before hearing closing arguments, probably sometime in March.
The ADF's running commentary on the Proposition 8 trial can be viewed here.
Only two witnesses for the defense? Hard to know what to make of that. Seems odd though. Nevertheless, the little publicized 'Trial of the Century' goes on hold for a time until the Judge is ready to hear the closing arguments. Looks to be many months before the history making decision is handed down. Either way, SCOTUS is on the horizon. fyi

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