8-12-24 Blog notice: When the pillar of cloud is taken up it means time to go [Numbers 9:22]. Such is the case here. The cloud is gone up. Received notice about a week ago - very unexpectedly - that the rental agreement for my long-rented apartment was to be ended... and would have to be out by a certain date. As far as this Rev.18.4 blog goes this basically means having to now 'close up shop' for an indeterminate length of time, as have no further information at this point - where to, what next, etc.. Have already started the breaking down so little blog activity should be expected over the next few weeks or month. Down the road a bit further.. cannot now say. To all who read this - press on.  Rev18:4


More Aurora Co Bizarre-ness II - Local Medical School Training Same Day For Exact Scenario

Real life shooting imitates training exercise at Parker medical school denverpost.com

The tragedy that played out in an Aurora movie theater Friday was ironically paralleled as a classroom learning experience in a medical school in Parker the same day.

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine is in the middle of holding specialized classes in disaster life support for 150 second-year medical students. Along with response to natural disasters like hurricanes and floods and terrorist attacks, one of the scenarios being used to train the students is how to respond if a shooter fires at people in a movie theater and also uses a bomb in the attack.

"The irony is amazing, just amazing," said Rocky Vista Dean Dr. Bruce Dubin.

Rocky Vista is the only medical school in the nation to make that training a part of the curriculum.

The shootings in Aurora were incorporated into the teaching Friday, Dubin said. "It made these medical students very aware that these kinds of things can happen anywhere," he said. "The events of this tragedy have helped to drive that home."

Parker is not far at all from Aurora, as seen. Same area, same day, same scenario. Can only wonder.

compare: More Aurora CO Bizarre-ness: July 17 'Lil Wayne' Video Shows 12 Skeletons In Theater 7-23-12 "Could this be just another 'bizarre coincidence'?" [see post]

see all: Aurora

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Nothing is coincidence.

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.