[Original post 2019] As Above So Below: Notre Dame 'Spire-Fire' Symbolizes End Of 'Traditional Catholicism' - Rebuild To Symbolize New NWO Version 'CathoMormIsLGBT-ism' 4-17-19
Millions in Notre-Dame Donations Pour In as France Focuses on Rebuilding
PARIS — Days after a fire tore through Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, France on Wednesday started to focus on reconstruction, with President Emmanuel Macron having set the ambitious goal of rebuilding the Gothic landmark within five years and donations pouring in from around the world.
Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said after a special cabinet meeting on Wednesday that the government would organize an international architecture competition to design a spire after Notre-Dame’s own collapsed in the fire on Monday and crashed through the cathedral’s vaulted ceiling. But he said it remained uncertain whether the lost spire — which was added in the 19th century — would be replaced.
The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, probably the most iconic representation of the Catholic religion in all the world. Suddenly, a fire-in-the-spire, and in short order, the entire world watching. And just as quickly, before the watching world could even fathom what they were seeing, in as dramatic of a fashion as were possible, down came the blazing spire. What just happened said the watching world.
The answer to that question is as simple of a one as they come in the world of kabbalistic ordo-ab-chao as-above-so-below symbolic-event-planning. The old order must always be destroyed - burned to the ground - sometimes literally, but always figuratively, as this is the only way the new-order can "rise" from the ashes of the old.
2019 original post read full >> 'The Burn Down'
12-7-24 Notre Dame Cathedral officially reopened - 'rebirthed' from the ashes (phoenix) - five years after the 2019 burn-down
Images: The new altar new Notre Dame 2024 - offering a crown to a dead christ laying in the lap of "Our Lady" symbolizing the Divine Feminine Shekinah aka MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH - Rev. 17:5
Notre Dame translated means "Our Lady". And this day 12-7-24 all the world has witnessed a massive very dark ritual seeing the power-brokers of the earth bow themselves and pay homage to this entity, i.e. the spirit of this world [Eph. 2:2]; aka "Our Lady", aka the Divine Feminine; aka the jewish kabalist Shekinah; i.e. the "MOTHER OF HARLOTS". Note this ceremony at the New Notre Dame, being called a 'rebirth' (probably referring to the pre-flood Atlantis world of fallen angels-nephilim now regaining control of the earth i.e. the coming of Trump's "Golden Age" of 'godmen' - link [note: Trump in attendance wearing gold tie]) is not about Catholicism it is just the cover. The ritual of worship being conducted here is directed solely to the 'spirit of this world' - which is THE spirit that opposes the Spirit of God in this world. The word of God identifies this opposing spirit by the name "MOTHER OF HARLOTS"; the meaning of that title is simple - it reveals plainly that every spiritual harlot i.e. false religion ever practiced on the earth from the beginning of time has been birthed by this one and same spirit [1 John 4:3] - it is the 'MOTHER of them all' - and as well every abomination of the earth.
The takeaway is this: to their mind - the world's so-called power-brokers (name 'em all were in attendance) - the ritual is completed. They think they got this. The inerrant word of God says otherwise: 1 Thes. 5:3 - link. Be aware this is advanced stages zwo stuff they are going for broke now
[screenshots twttr-x vid] Notre Dame back from the ashes and now "reborn" - cryptic language an obvious reference to kabbalistic Phoenix symbology [link] - 12-7-24 The 'Rebirth Ceremony' - a dark ritual
Two images from actual event. As the ritual went on the proceedings moved to Notre Dame's still unopened doors. Chanting and praying to i.e. invoking the name "Notre Dame" i.e. 'Our Lady' the whole time, the lead-priest of the dark ritual approached the huge front doors and banged on them three times with his jumbo-sized-lollipop wonder-working-jeweled-priestly-staff, then stepped back and continued the prayer-chant to "Our Lady". This action was repeated three times for a total of nine strikes with the magic staff, and, each time after the third strike 'waves' of light flashed up the building from bottom to top. After this strangeness he approached the door again [2nd image] putting both hands on it and pushed - and it was done - "Our Lady" opened her doors.. the choir immediately breaking out in a loud chant of rejoicing.. and in they all went.. right into the abyss.. down into her chambers into the waiting arms of their Divine Feminine 'goddess' Rev. 17:1-2:
The so-called power brokers of this world with their magical rituals - here now is clear revelation of exactly where they derive their 'power' - THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS [Rev. 17:5] i.e. the antichrist spirit of this world Rev. 16:14! [see: Trump tikkun olam]
Rev. 18:4
Acts 19:26-27 'Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands: So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth'
Millions in Notre-Dame Donations Pour In as France Focuses on Rebuilding
PARIS — Days after a fire tore through Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, France on Wednesday started to focus on reconstruction, with President Emmanuel Macron having set the ambitious goal of rebuilding the Gothic landmark within five years and donations pouring in from around the world.
Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said after a special cabinet meeting on Wednesday that the government would organize an international architecture competition to design a spire after Notre-Dame’s own collapsed in the fire on Monday and crashed through the cathedral’s vaulted ceiling. But he said it remained uncertain whether the lost spire — which was added in the 19th century — would be replaced.
The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, probably the most iconic representation of the Catholic religion in all the world. Suddenly, a fire-in-the-spire, and in short order, the entire world watching. And just as quickly, before the watching world could even fathom what they were seeing, in as dramatic of a fashion as were possible, down came the blazing spire. What just happened said the watching world.
The answer to that question is as simple of a one as they come in the world of kabbalistic ordo-ab-chao as-above-so-below symbolic-event-planning. The old order must always be destroyed - burned to the ground - sometimes literally, but always figuratively, as this is the only way the new-order can "rise" from the ashes of the old.
2019 original post read full >> 'The Burn Down'
12-7-24 Notre Dame Cathedral officially reopened - 'rebirthed' from the ashes (phoenix) - five years after the 2019 burn-down
Images: The new altar new Notre Dame 2024 - offering a crown to a dead christ laying in the lap of "Our Lady" symbolizing the Divine Feminine Shekinah aka MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH - Rev. 17:5
Notre Dame translated means "Our Lady". And this day 12-7-24 all the world has witnessed a massive very dark ritual seeing the power-brokers of the earth bow themselves and pay homage to this entity, i.e. the spirit of this world [Eph. 2:2]; aka "Our Lady", aka the Divine Feminine; aka the jewish kabalist Shekinah; i.e. the "MOTHER OF HARLOTS". Note this ceremony at the New Notre Dame, being called a 'rebirth' (probably referring to the pre-flood Atlantis world of fallen angels-nephilim now regaining control of the earth i.e. the coming of Trump's "Golden Age" of 'godmen' - link [note: Trump in attendance wearing gold tie]) is not about Catholicism it is just the cover. The ritual of worship being conducted here is directed solely to the 'spirit of this world' - which is THE spirit that opposes the Spirit of God in this world. The word of God identifies this opposing spirit by the name "MOTHER OF HARLOTS"; the meaning of that title is simple - it reveals plainly that every spiritual harlot i.e. false religion ever practiced on the earth from the beginning of time has been birthed by this one and same spirit [1 John 4:3] - it is the 'MOTHER of them all' - and as well every abomination of the earth.
The takeaway is this: to their mind - the world's so-called power-brokers (name 'em all were in attendance) - the ritual is completed. They think they got this. The inerrant word of God says otherwise: 1 Thes. 5:3 - link. Be aware this is advanced stages zwo stuff they are going for broke now
[screenshots twttr-x vid] Notre Dame back from the ashes and now "reborn" - cryptic language an obvious reference to kabbalistic Phoenix symbology [link] - 12-7-24 The 'Rebirth Ceremony' - a dark ritual
Two images from actual event. As the ritual went on the proceedings moved to Notre Dame's still unopened doors. Chanting and praying to i.e. invoking the name "Notre Dame" i.e. 'Our Lady' the whole time, the lead-priest of the dark ritual approached the huge front doors and banged on them three times with his jumbo-sized-lollipop wonder-working-jeweled-priestly-staff, then stepped back and continued the prayer-chant to "Our Lady". This action was repeated three times for a total of nine strikes with the magic staff, and, each time after the third strike 'waves' of light flashed up the building from bottom to top. After this strangeness he approached the door again [2nd image] putting both hands on it and pushed - and it was done - "Our Lady" opened her doors.. the choir immediately breaking out in a loud chant of rejoicing.. and in they all went.. right into the abyss.. down into her chambers into the waiting arms of their Divine Feminine 'goddess' Rev. 17:1-2:
The so-called power brokers of this world with their magical rituals - here now is clear revelation of exactly where they derive their 'power' - THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS [Rev. 17:5] i.e. the antichrist spirit of this world Rev. 16:14! [see: Trump tikkun olam]
Rev. 18:4
Acts 19:26-27 'Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands: So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth'
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