
(Original Classic 1973)  A THIEF IN THE NIGHT - 1st-Ever Full Length Rapture-Themed Movie


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A Thief In The Night (1973) apparently was the first rapture-themed feature length movie ever made. The title comes from a passage in the Book of Matthew 24th chapter - two shall be in the field; one shall be taken, the other left, etc. This passage although often thought and taught to be, does not actually refer to the 'rapture' but to something that will happen during the 'time of tribulation' (any that might find themselves there - you do not want to be taken at this point - see: Matthew 13:30).

But that subject is an entire bible study -- Nevertheless this first-ever rapture movie "A Thief In The Night" - 1973 50yrs ago - we might say has historical value, being the first ever 'pre-trib rapture movie', and, overall pretty much on point for the most part (the general idea) on the 'pre-trib' interpretation of scripture [believe it or not]

[Some disclaimer: As almost always the case, scripture references from Westcott-Hort bible versions are used in this movie. The use of these bible versions cannot be endorsed; see: Authorized Version only; a little bit loose depicting the unscriptural 'sinner's prayer' salvation method also, which has to do with the topic of election. That's another bible study. We just note it that the viewer note it also]

see also: 'The Last Trump' 1Cor. 15:52 - What And When [Solved] ..And Pretrib Rapture

Rev. 18:4

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