
Olympics Flashback London 2012 Closing Ceremony: Phoenix Rises - Antichrist Comes Out Of The Bottomless Pit [Pt. 3 of 4]

Ezekiel 8:9 'Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here'

Aurora and the 2012 London 'ZION' Olympics - Announcement, Birth, Rise, Manifestation of the Biblical Antichrist, Enacted In 4 Pts.

Part III Phoenix From The Ashes - Rise Of The Antichrist

8-13-12 Third scene: 2012 London Zion Olympics Close On A Dark Note: The Phoenix Rises, The Star Descends, Bottomless Pit Opened "Part three, the destruction of the existing world system, the rise of the new order, and the symbolic opening of the pit to release the "spirit" of the flame [Antichrist] - who is then to rise as the "Dark Knight":

This enactment seems very clearly to be a depiction of a scene directly from the ninth chapter of the Book of Revelation in which a description is given of a star (angelic being) falling from heaven with a key to open the bottomless pit, and the loosing of the king of the bottomless pit, Abaddon, or Apollyon -


Kamala Harris Ritual 2020: Two Days Before Biden Names Her For VP - WWF Wrestler Named Kamala Harris 'Dies' -- And Hindu 'Kali Maa'; Election 2024 It's A WWE Skit

Follow up on: Trump Rally Shooting 911 Numerology Signature - Happens Exactly 6:11 pm; Ritual Just Opening Act Fake-Election 2024 7-14-24 " if it happened - it was planned. Not dealing with amateurs here trying to build their Satanic new-world-order would-be Zionist-kingdom-kome to enthrone their god Baphomet-Lucifer as sovereign lord over all the earth. 2024 fake-election this ritual was just the opening act.. gonna get wild hold on to your hats folks.."  [see post]
2020 Kamala Harris Ritual 911 Two Become One

Election 2024 it's as staged and scripted as any WWE skit ever was. WWE skits are elaborate productions with wild characters performing wild stunts. The plots involve endless twists and turns but the outcome is never in question it is all a show. World events today are in reality no different - they all are nothing more than a WWE script with all the various characters playing their roles. With that thought Election 2024 is already shaping up to be the wildest election-skit ever seen. Trump make-believe 'shooting' [linked above] was only Act 1. Biden dropping out and Kamala Harris now taking the stage as leading candidate for the 2024 democratic nomination for President is just Act 2. Long way to go still. Anything could happen and the crazy surely is just getting warmed up..

Regarding Biden stepping down and Kamala Harris now suddenly coming to the forefront though, there is a little known very strange oddity that is part of the Kamala Harris backstory. Kamala Harris was not the only Kamala Harris back when Biden was to announce a VP pick for the 2020 election. There were two 'Kamala Harris' - until August of 2020 that is - when one suddenly was reported to have 'died' - and two days later one is chosen to be Vice President of the USA:

August 11, 2020 Kamala Harris named by Joe Biden as his pick for VP:

August 9, 2020 Kamala Harris 'dies'

Extremely strange - too strange to be dismissed as coincidence actually. Just two days before Kamala Harris is named for VP - former WWF (now WWE) professional wrestler James Harris - with the wrestling name 'Kamala' - is reported to have died --


Trump Illuminati Card New Discoveries: It's A 'Sniper' Card - And It Shows The Streaking Bullet -- Just Like The Now Famous Trump Picture

Trump Illuminati Card New Discovery: It's a 'Sniper' Card - And It Shows The Streaking Bullet

As it turns out, not only is the Trump Illuminati card a 'Sniper' card [see below], meaning it actually foretells the staged 'sniper-event' of 7-13-24 [link*], but there is still another hidden-in-plain-sight secret, very telling, in the image:

New observation Trump Illuminati Card: note streak across middle of image on Trump Illuminati card [below] - Trump right side about ear level -- No question about it - it is an incredible match to the ridiculous supposed 'streaking bullet' picture put out after the Trump staged-shooting event [Trump supposedly hit on right ear]:

Trump Illuminati Card top line:
"At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you
Have a nice day"
  [see: original vid Enough is Enough]


*This post a follow up on: Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- 2024 RNC Opening Night Announces "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Is Here With Massive 'Illuminati Symbology' Display [Pics] "How far back are these things planned? Farther back than anyone can even realize. Planned to the exact day decades and many if not most more likely even centuries back.." [see post]

[Note: For those new to this topic the series of Illuminati Cards - more than 400 total - said to have came out 1994-95; article]

Rev. 18:4

Revelation 18:23 '...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived'


Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- 2024 RNC Opening Night Announces "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Is Here With Massive 'Illuminati Symbology' Display [Pics]


[Updated*] "Snipers" - Infamous Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- Opening Night 2024 Republican National Convention Announces Arrival of the 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' - Using Illuminati Dollar Bill Symbology For Backdrop

Trump Illuminati Card top line:
"At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you
Have a nice day"
  [see: original vid Enough is Enough]

[*Note new observation: streak across middle of image Trump right side about ear level
- looks exactly like the ridiculous supposed 'bullet' picture link put out after the fake shooting]

World history - fake, staged, ritualistic preplanned events; everything foretold with mystical symbols and hidden signs and clues left everywhere - like the back of the dollar bill for example -


Trump Rally Shooting 911 Numerology Signature - Happens Exactly 6:11 pm; Ritual Just Opening Act Fake-Election 2024

7-13-24 Shooting At Trump Rally 911 Numerology - Exactly at 6:11
[click to enlarge]

Trump high drama happens at precisely 6:11 pm. Just chance? Zero chance. Kabbalah numerology - they run the world according to it - it is sorcery - 'they' are sorcerers - nothing is ever done without the 'numbers' -


Jewish Flag Is Two Rivers And The Occult 6-Pt Star - A Hidden-In-Plain-Sight Revelation Of Everything Happening In World Today i.e. Zionist Global-Agenda aka 'Tikkun Olam'

Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, etc., and Israel - all just part of the lastest episode of the one-only agenda that is being played out on the world stage - Tikkun Olam - it is the only thing happening - every bit of everything is to accomplish it - every bit absolutely controlled - pure theatre - because it does have to be played out - because the existing world system does have to be broken down for real before the desired 'Zionist-renovation' domination [link] can be achieved - because Tikkun - will not Olam itself; This post about that one-only plan:
On the Jewish flag. The Jewish/Israeli flag of today was not a thing of antiquity but was a product of the '1st Zionist Congress', which was held in 1897. This event apparently was the beginning of the outward political movement which would eventually establish the so-called modern state of Israel some 50 years later in 1948. The movement was born and the flag was born with it. From the beginning the flag was known as the Zionist flag. In 1948 this Zionist flag was officially adopted as the national flag of the newly reformed state of Israel. This brings up an interesting subject: Flags of nations always have significance to their design, and the design of the Jewish Zionist flag is no diferent:

The Zionist flag reveals the Zionist agenda. Hidden in plain sight - on a couple of levels. First level: The two blue stripes signifying the "promised land", referring to the biblical "promised land" of the Genesis 15 "Abrahamic Covenant", which is from river to river:


YOGA UNCOILED (Original Classic '07) - Joined To The Kundalini-Serpent Spirit; East Invades West [Vid]


'Yoga' - a Trojan horse filled with slithering serpents be informed

The word 'Kundalini' comes from the ancient Sanskrit language [1000-500 B.C.] - the literal definition is 'coiled snake' - becoming empowered by 'the Kundalini' is the very essence of yoga


GODS OF THE NEW AGE (Original Classic '84) - Yoga & TM Merge East With West For 'Global Spirituality' Of Antichrist  [Vid]


Gods Of The New Age (Original Classic [1984]) - How The East And West Were Merged For The One-World-Religion Of The Antichrist [Yoga, TM, etc.]

1. Invasion of the Godmen [4:30]

2. Yoga & Meditation: The Great Escape [26:50]

3. The East Converts The West [52:30]

4. The Deterioration of Christianity [1:14:45]

Video link [on blog]: GODS OF THE NEW AGE


"Bird Flu" Blamed As Another Huge Egg Facility Goes Down - CO Governor Declares Emergency; 2030 Step By Step

Governor declares disaster emergency after bird flu outbreak at commercial egg facility

(DENVER 7) – Colorado Governor Jared Polis declared a disaster emergency following the latest avian flu outbreak at a commercial egg facility in Weld County. On Monday, samples submitted from the producer tested positive for highly pathogenic* avian influenza (HPAI). Officials said 1.78 million chickens will have to be killed as a result.

The state veterinarian has issued a quarantine order in parts of Weld County in order to limit the movement of birds in and out of the area. Commercial or backyard poultry owners in the quarantine area are asked to report the status of their flock through this online form.


Above post a follow up on/related to: 5-31-24 'No Eggs For Useless Eaters: Massive Fire Destroys One Of Nation’s Largest Egg Facilities - 'Over A Million' Chickens 'Reported' Killed; A21 Food-System Phaseout Continues' --  "2030 all things are being done according to a schedule. Appears that all is right on schedule too. Be aware so to navigate as needed the times ahead.."

Bird-flu hoax multi-faceted. Along with threatening another scam-demic plan-demic from the *latest "highly pathogenic" Fake Virus for all the useless-eater humans .. while you're at it .. might as well get some actual birds in on the PSYOP - won't that be hilarious - and you can then disappear a few more egg-production facilites too; oh and don't miss the funny part about the "quarantine order".. to keep more chickens from getting 'bird flu' -- har de har and wouldn't that be even more hilarious if we quarantined humans too because of 'bird flu' .. and even funnier we tell them they got the 'bird' flu from a cow.. because they are 'cows'.. i.e goy cattle -- oh we do find ourselves amusing;

2030 own nothing every facet of plan moving forward methodically. Bird flu hoax or no for 'humans' going live, next major thing coming for certain forwarding that plan is 2024 fake-election ordo ab chao. Whole thing is a sitcom. Biden and Trump crisis actors. How they play it? .. stay tuned - coming from twisted minds guaranteed to be twisted as it gets. Reality: USA as it is/was they are done with it.. absolutely be informed

Rev. 18:4


Handel Messiah 1741 - 'Since By Man Came Death, By Man Came Also The Resurrection' (Ye Must Be Born Again) 1 Cor. 15

Romans 5:12 'Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned'

Handel's Messiah 1741; 3rd Part, 2nd Movement: 'Since By Man Came Death' [1Cor. 15:21-22]

All are born 'in Adam' [who was the '1st man', who failed, when by him sin entered the world, bringing death - Rom. 5:12] and "in Adam all die"; to be 'in Christ' [who is the '2nd man', who failed not, bringing the grace of God unto salvation - Rom. 5:15,19] - one must be 'born twice'  [3:12 min.]:


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/VywFCxU0EHSC/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


1 Corinthians 15:45,47

(45) 'And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit...

(47) The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven'

compare: 1 Cor. 15:51-53 the resurrection At The Last Trump;  [link2; Last Trump - solved] __________________________________________________

2 Corinthians 5:17 'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature...'


2030 Land Grab Update: State Farm Threatens CA Allow Insurance Rate Hikes Up To 50% Or They Pull Out; Babylon Is Fallen

Major insurer gives brutal ultimatum to entire state: Let us put up prices by 50 percent or we will leave

California's largest insurer has given the state's government an ultimatum as the cost of providing cover continues to soar

State Farm on Thursday told California's Department of Insurance to let them raise home insurance rates for millions of citizens, or they will ax cover. The move by the insurance giant comes amid a growing insurance crisis in California.

A slew of insurers - including Allstate, Farmers Direct and State Farm in a previous move - have limited cover or stopped doing business entirely in the Golden State. They blame the intensifying risk of climate disasters.

State Farm disclosed it wants to raise prices by 30 percent for homeowners, 36 percent for condo owners, and 52 percent for renters. - 'This has the potential to affect millions of California consumers and the integrity of our residential property insurance market,' insurance commissioner Ricardo Lara said.

The California Department of Insurance had already approved two State Farm requests that saw citizens home insurance rise drastically, including a 6.9 percent hike at the start of last year and a 20 percent rise that began this past March.

'State Farm General’s latest rate filings raise serious questions about its financial condition,' he said of the number one insurance firm in the US. He added how a rate hearing may even necessary.. Only then, he said, would officials make a decision on whether to approve the requests - a process that could end up taking months.


This post directly related to another State Farm move done just a little over a year ago -- then it was an announcement that they would no longer write any new policies in CA; now, as seen, they intend to jack up the prices for all existing policies -- all of course blamed on the catch-all 'climate-change' lie of the centuries; see State Farm one yr. ago: