
First USA Vaccine 12-14-20 Exactly 13 Yrs. After 'I Am Legend' Movie Release: Plot Vaccine Kills 90% Turns Rest Into Zombies

Historical event first so-called Corona vaccine given in the USA on date of December 14, 2020:
New York City critical care nurse given first COVID vaccine in the US

December 14, 2020 9:50 AM ET

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- The director of critical care at Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJ) in Queens has become the first person in the United States to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in a non-trial setting.

Sandra Lindsay, RN, received the vaccine just after 9 a.m. [9:11 ?] Monday [12-14-20] as Gov. Andrew Cuomo looked on from Albany via livestream.

About two minutes after Lindsay received the shot, President Trump tweeted "First Vaccine Administered. Congratulations USA! Congratulations WORLD!"

December 14, 2007 -- Exactly 13 years to the day before Fake-Corona first USA vaccine [12-14-20] Hollywood releases movie "I Am Legend". The plot of the movie is a vaccine that kills 90% of the population and turns the rest into zombies:


Wiki: "In 2009, a genetically re-engineered measles vaccine, originally created as a cure for cancer, turns lethal. The vaccine kills 90% (5.4 billion out of 6.0 billion) of the world's population and turns 9.8% (588 million) into vampiric, albino, zombie-like, cannibalistic mutants called Darkseekers, who are extremely vulnerable to the ultraviolet rays in sunlight. The remaining 0.2% (12 million) of the population is immune to the virus and is the prey of the mutant Darkseekers..." [source]

Chance of coincidence 'I Am Legend' killer-vaccine zombie movie and historic first USA Fake-Corona vaccine would share the same date exactly 13 years apart:  zero

Chance of kaballah-numeorology manufactured fake pandemic:  100%

Proof that the false reality of the world today created by the kaballah-numerology sorcerers and maintained by the MSM Mockingbirds is all planned long in advance:  undeniable

Cannot be any more hidden in plain sight. fyi

A few more examples impossible coincidence, kabala-numerology:

10-2-20  Trump 'Covid Positive' Announcement Exactly 33 Days Before 2020 Election: 10/2/20 - 11/3/20
4-26-20  Psyop Proven By Hidden Message In Name COVID: Certificate Of Vaccination ID
3-12-20  2020 Corona-Hoax Tom Hanks Tests Positive - 2016 Hanks Pandemic Movie 'Inferno'
3-10-20  National Guard Deployed NY - 25 Yrs. To The Day Movie "Outbreak" Released Same Plot
2-27-20  Wall Street Biggest One-Day Drop In History Blamed On 'Coronavirus' - 666, 9/11 Numerology

Rev. 18:4


  1. I thought that it was telling that Pfizer announced that they had achieved an efficacy rate of 90% for their vaccine on November 9. (reverse 9/11).

    This day was the anniversary of Kristallnacht. Just as this day marked the escalation of the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany, no doubt the vaccine announcement was a shot across the bow for Christians. Most missed it.


  2. interesting thought..they certainly do not not use random numbers for their numerology rituals


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