
Koran-Burning Hoax A Global Interfaith Dialectic Exercise

EU's Ashton joins international condemnation of Koran-burning plan

Brussels - The European Union foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, joined Wednesday the international chorus of condemnation of plans by a Christian pastor in the United States to burn copies of the Koran.

'We strongly condemn any kind of attempt of this kind,' Ashton's spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told reporters in Brussels.
re: "reporters in Brussels"
Worldwide outrage. The American military, Hillary Clinton, the European Union, even the pope has weighed in, all joining in on an "international chorus of condemnation".
This could not happen without the publicity created by the NWO Bureau of Propaganda. It's all part of the master plan to gain wider acceptance of Islam, necessary to form the *one-world religion which is to be the counterpart of the one world government. Create the 'outrage', which then results in sympathy, which then results in tolerance and acceptance and down the road, global interfaith unity. Designed also to go along perfectly with the Ground Zero Mosque Nonsense.

Incredible in it's absurdity to watch. Rev. 18:4

compare: Rick Warren Recruits Muslims For World Religion PEACE Plan 7-5-09
And, no surprise in regard to the pope's input, he is already actively promoting the global interfaith scheme -
see: Pope On first Ever Catholic-Islam Forum: Agree As Family Of Same God 11-11-08 "Pope Issues Statement Requiring Consensus: Catholics and Muslims must show the common belief that we are members of one family loved by God our Creator... let us work with one another to educate all people, especially the young, to build a common future."
*one world religion and Bible prophecy; see: Job Opening: 'false prophet' 2-9-08

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