
More 'Manhattan Declaraton' Confusion: Homosexual Affirming Denominations - Episcopalian, Lutherans, UCC - Called To Join The 'Resistance'

Follow up on: Manhattan Declaration Update: Blurs Distinction Between Catholic Religion And Biblical Christianity, Declares Militancy 11-29-09 "The unprecedented pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-religious freedom Manhattan Declaration, unveiled in a press conference last Friday, has already been signed by over 150,000 individuals" [see post]
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- Leaders, Clergy, and Members of the UCC, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran, and other Mainline Churches were called today to stand for the "sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage and the rights of conscience and religious liberty" by signing onto the Manhattan Declaration, an ecumenical call to conscience.
The pope is on record as affirming that Islam worships the same God as Catholics [see link below], the Al Mohler/Chuck Colson led Evangelicals have granted Catholics equal stature as "fellow believers" [see follow up link at top], and now the homosexual agenda via the fallen away Lutheran, Episcopal, and UCC denominations are being wooed to join the ecumenical mess too.
re: 'dignity of marriage'
Here is a tremendous irony. One of the stated goals of the Manhattan Declaration is the defense of traditional marriage: "2. marriage as a conjugal union of man and woman, ordained by God from the creation, and historically understood by believers and non-believers alike, to be the most basic institution in society " [pg. 2 manhattan declaration pdf]
In a seeming contradiction to that goal, today's call [12-2-09] is for the Episcopal, Lutheran, and the UCC (United Church of Christ) to join the cause. The irony here is that these three "homosexual affirming" denominations are indirectly leading the charge against traditional marriage by the "homosexual affirming" positions they each have embraced [see links below].
Without question, same-sex marriage so-called is a major component of the over-all homosexual agenda. In that, it is ultimately part and parcel of the 'gaying of Christianity' agenda being fostered by these particular church organizations.
This leads to a perplexing question: When the 'Manhattan' declared civil disobedience begins, will the various united-groups be protesting against each other? Rev. 18:4
Episcopalians Go Off Deep End, Sign "Pansexual Declaration" 9-4-09
Lutherans Embrace Homosexual Agenda, Allow 'Gay' Clergy 8-22-09
Episcopalians Forcing Homosexual Agenda Into New Frontiers 8-4-09
Pope On first Ever Catholic-Islam Forum: Agree As Family Of Same God 11-11-08
'He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. And unto...the church of the Laodiceans write...I will spew thee out of my mouth' Rev. 3:13-22

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