
"Anti-Semite" -- Not Buying The Antichrist Zionist-Agenda Gaza-Takeover Storyline? - You're An 'Anti-Semite': Anti-Semite Propaganda Now Taken To Unprecedented Level -- "It's A Trick We Always Use It" [Vid]

November 2023 Zionist Jewish Agenda's Psychological Perception-Manipulation program for their Gaza-Takeover operation goes global scale - the cry of "Anti-Semitism.. Anti Semitism.. Anti Semitism.." has now been taken to an unprecedented planetary level. All the world now being pounded by an unrelenting barrage of the blatant propaganda from every possible so-called news source..

Haven't bowed down to the Antichrist-Zionist-Agenda [see Jewish Flag And Gaza] and mindlessly accepted whatever the Zionist Global Bureau of Propaganda [ZGBoP] tells you to believe [about anything and everything] about what's really going on in Gaza and who is really doing what - you are obviously a horrible "ANTI-SEMITE' and a danger to all the free-world and everything wholesome and good..

Anti Semitism.. Anti Semitism.. Anti Semitism" - a total fraud power-play to force silence upon the entire world by intimidation, openly admitted (video below):

"Anti-Semite..Holocaust ..It's A Trick We Always Use It" - Ex-Knesset Lady Shulamit Aloni

Amy Goodman Host Democracy Now, August 14, 2002 interviews former Israeli Minister Knesset member Shulamit Aloni who headed the Meretz Party -- Democracy Now, August 14, 2002

"..often when there is dissent expressed against ..policies of the Israeli government.. people.. are called anti-semitic.."

"Well it's a trick.. we always use it"


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/Ie4Ce7bRp85l/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Video excerpted from 5-17-19 post: FL Makes 'Anti-Semite' A Race-Crime - Can't Say "Jewish World Conspiracy"... FL Gov. To Sign In Jerusalem; "Anti-Semite A Trick"

Note: Anti-semitism label - absolutely reject it for the lie it is!

see all: Zionism

see: Tikkun Olam  [click image to enlarge]
Rev. 18:4
Micah 3:10 'They build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity'

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