
John Hus 1415 Burned At The Stake For Exposing Catholic Church Heresy And Corruption [Vid - 1977 b/w -- Worth Watching]

"A 15th-century Bohemian reformer who [more than 100 years before Luther] set the stage for the world-changing reforms of Martin Luther"*

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<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/VC7kC3hmyn8c/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


"Jan Hus (c. 1369–1415) took a stand opposing the many abuses he saw in the Roman Catholic Church, such as simony (the act of selling church offices or roles [Acts 8:18-21]), the sale of indulgences (granting remission of sins in 'purgatory' for a price) and pilgrimages to view relics. Hus’ stance created many enemies amid his fellow clergy. Hus was imprisoned. He appeared before the Council at Constance several times. Unwilling to recant, on July 6, 1415, Hus was sentenced to death as a heretic and turned over to the secular authorities to be burned at the stake. Following his death, his ashes were thrown into the Rhine.  -- Most of all, however, both Hus and Luther inspired reform movements that could not be stopped."*

*From: John Hus - brief bio [pdf]
see also: Martin Luther 1953 - [Original Full Length Movie - Worth Watching]

[Note: If vid has BitChute Syndrome - i.e will not play -- here is alternate working link:

Revelation 18:4 'Come out of her, my people'

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