
Nephilim - 'Human Power-Elite' Alliance To Complete Earth Takeover By 2025 -- 'They Live' 1988; Eph. 6:12

[reposted]   Clipped from the dystopian 1988 cult-classic 'They Live' starring pro wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper. Most are probably familiar with the movie. If not, briefly it was about nephilim-like serpent-seed aliens disguised as humans who had taken over the earth and only those with special sunglasses could see through their 'human disguise'. Piper, having the glasses, is one of those who could 'see'. At a later point, the scene in this clip, the glasses had been exchanged for contact lenses so as to not give themselves away. The clip here is toward the end of the movie. Piper and partner have infiltrated the Nephilim serpent-seed HQ intending to destroy the command center and end up in a ballroom where a celebration is being held announcing the expected date for completion of the planet take over:


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/T4pYaygc7Ky9/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


[:34]  "...our projections show that by the year 2025 not only America but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this power alliance...the gains have been substantial both for ourselves and for you ...the human...power...elite

[:58]  ...you have given us entree to the resources we need in our ongoing quest for multi-dimensional expansion..."

[1:30]  "We are their cattle...we are being bred for slavery"


multi-dimensional expansion?

2025? Just a movie, right? Not like Zio-Hollywood ever hides stuff in plain sight in movies or anything. Anyway - the "human power-elite"? Isn't that just some conspiracy thing. And what about that bible verse that says 'we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places' ...that doesn't really mean anything does it - I mean I know what it says but c'mon now - you don't really think there's like...evil spirits behind everything do you. Such is the language of the average Laodicean. Might be why they are Laodiceans.

Just to note it, on "multi-dimensional expansion" - compare:
AMD Ryzen, Vega, Wraith - Message In The Names: Rise Of The 'Fallen Star', Man Becoming God - The 'Singularity' 3-26-17 "...having to do with the hugely publicized AMD introduction earlier this month [3-'17] of their all-new Ryzen CPU lineup...As AMD CEO Su said...these names are not 'chosen lightly'... [but actually contain a message - which is:] ...Most have heard these things, the view of Genesis 6 as an account of fallen angels - the nephilim - having interbred with humans and producing offspring. As that goes, these fallen-angel offspring were the 'giants in those days' [Gen. 6:4]. Following that thought to it's conclusion, these 'giants' were destroyed in the flood of Noah [most - some lived through; Gen 6:4 "and after that"] - their bodies destroyed that is - their 'hybrid' spirits still lived...These 'bodiless spirits' today many call 'demons' - the bible calls them devils - they want bodies. The NT [New Testament] reveals this... [see post]

re: 'Human power-elite', cattle bred for slavery - see ['Minions' the movie 7-10-15]: "Because you're a minion"

Takeaway is this: They, the 'human power-elite', so-called, are the ones saying these things. Better to be aware of what is being said than not aware [Eph. 5:15-16]. To 'see', better than to 'not see'. And of course Ephesians 6:12...taking it literally. They do obviously.

 Rev. 18:4
Psalms 119:18 'Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law'

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