
Paris? 'When Everything...Public Believes Is False'...Disinfo Program Will Be Complete - William Casey CIA/ZWO 1981

Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston...Ottawa Canada, Sydney Australia, and now, with barely time to catch a breath, Paris France. Any of those believable? If even one is not, how can any of them be believed? There is only one goal - totalitarian control of the entire planet [see: London 2012]. It will not happen by itself. It is a massive undertaking...and clearly it is underway, including especially the creation of an entirely false reality to manipulate and control all perceptions of how, and by whom, that lofty* goal is being attempted. In other words, it's not a conspiracy y'all...really

"We'll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything The American Public Believes Is False"

- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The above quote has been floating around the internet for some time, often challenged as to authenticity. Many have seen it previously, but certainly not all. The statement is said to have been made by then CIA director (now deceased) William Casey. The occasion was an early cabinet meeting between the heads of various agencies and newly installed 'President of the USA' Ronald (ex-Hollywood-movie-actor, previously 33rd governor of California - which things tell you everything you need to know) Reagan. The source of the quotation has been attributed to a past radio personality by the name of Mae Brussell, who reportedly had never named her source. Interestingly enough, as this only happened just recently, the original source of the actual quote came forward. This information came as a result of a comment thread on a certain website discussing the very question of the authenticity of the then CIA director's ascribed quote. Two particular comments from that thread are reproduced in the screenshot below [source]. The first comment is by a person describing his effort to find some definitive proof on the subject and mentioning specific names, and the second comment, dated just a couple of months ago (11-25-'14), is a reply to the first comment from the person named in that comment, actually taking credit for in fact being the original source - the then Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President:


'Terrorist' chip; ISIS chip; Ebola chip; climate-change chip; bird/swine etc. flu/vaccine
chip; LGBTXYZ-genderless chip; Russia chip; Syria chip; random-shooter-anywhere
chip; financial-crash chip; need-police-state chip; newest 'cops-shot-by-citizen' chip;
airplane-mystery chip; 'natural' (geoengineered) disaster chip; meteorite chip; hacking
chip; sinkhole chip; fill-in-the-blank crisis du jour chip...and on it goes ad infinitum


Everything! 34 years ago that infamous quote was uttered. And regardless of the recent verification of it for the moment, to any rational mind, it is glaringly obvious that this "disinformation program", as stated in 1981, is not only a reality, but here now in 2015 has in fact been completed. How so? Because, as they say, the "proof is in the pudding".  Rev. 18:4
update 1-10-15: Paris 'Terrorist-Shoots-Cop' Video: A Hit Or Miss? Clearly Something Is 'A Miss'; Event A "Satire"?

1-12-15 follow up: Fake Paris Cop-Shooting Follow-up: 'Blood Put There' After The Fact, Says 'Reporter'; Aka Truth 'Hidden In Plain Sight'
*Isaiah 2:11-12 'The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low'


  1. Charlie ‘Magazine Murders’ – 4 Part Evidence of Gladio Style Staging


  2. Jews leaving France, going to Israel in record numbers. http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/22/middleeast/france-israel-jews-immigration/index.html

  3. re: above comment

    Ezekiel 22:18-20,21-22

  4. Thank you for that reference. So would you agree that the ISIS hoax threat is two fold: call the Jews out of the different nations to go to Israel (as foretold by the Lord in Ezekiel) and to institute a global police force to "fight ISIS", actually totalitarian global military to enslave goyim?

  5. Ultimately, while the Jews are making many schemes, alas, they are rushing headlong into the "time of Jacob's trouble" - Jer. 30:7


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