
3-Yr. Flashback: Sandy Hook [12-14-12] Names Hide Reality In Plain Sight: - Adam Lands, Dawn-Hath-Sprung In New Town

It is probably accurate to say that the 'ordo ab chao' that played out in Aurora Colorado on 7-20-12 where 'the Joker' showed up at the premiere showing of 'Batman The Dark Knight', followed only months later when 'ordo ab chao' showed it's diabolical face once again at Sandy Hook on 12-14-12, were without question, next to 9/11 of course, the two critical events more than any other that 'triggered' the new-world-order paradigm-shift now going full-speed ahead in the land of the USA. As seen below, these two events also were inextricably linked. Sandy Hook being probably the mother-of-all staged random-shooter type shock-the-world ordo-ab-chao events being three years ago to the day, below reposted to mark the nefarious occasion. Sandy Hook three years ago, to San Bernardino just two weeks ago - the question that always gives more answers than the 'answers' would like: cui bono? Too obvious is it not?

Originally posted 12-21-12

Sandy Hook Names Tell The Story: Adam Lands, Dawn-Hath-Sprung In New Town

Follow up on: Windows 8 Angry Birds Commercial A Cryptic Message About 'Nephilim'? And Oregon Mall, Sandy Hook 12-16-12 "With the recent Oregon mall incident, the questions were asked: "Is it real, or, was it completely staged like a Hollywood movie complete with special effects, or, was it another mind-control psychiatric-drugged robot [with outside help]? "Unfortunately, the same or similar questions need to be pondered with virtually every event these days. Theatres, malls, elementary schools not safe anymore? Cui bono means 'who benefits'. And when the global agenda is the clear benefactor in every case, that speaks volumes" [see post]
What's in a name?

Hidden messages in names? In any certain event, upon analysis of the names involved, certainly there could be no expectation of finding any hidden message pertaining to that event in those names. The idea is ridiculous of course. If there was discovered some sort of secret message being communicated though, this of course necessitates design and purpose in it. As to design, sometimes a name may sound like something else, suggesting a thought; sometimes the etymology of a name may by interpretation hint at something; sometimes a name may represent something to a particular group or individual and convey a specific meaning. All these can be different ways that names can be used to communicate something.

Is something being communicated with the names in the Sandy Hook event? Let the reader decide.

Three of the most predominant names in this event are (1) Adam Lanza of course, (2) Dawn Hochsprung, and (3) Victoria Soto:

1. Adam Lanza = Adam lands

Luke 10: 18 'And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven'

Adam is a biblical name which simply means 'man'. 'Lands' speaks of an arrival. "Adam lands" then speaks of the the arrival of 'man', in essence, this speaks of apotheosis. Apotheosis is the deification of man.

1Cor 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

Adam is the first man, he is of the earth. He is in opposition to the second man, the Lord Jesus Christ. The epitome of Adam is to be 'man deified', the epitome of man deified is to be the Antichrist himself. Psalms 10:18 titles the Antichrist "the man of the earth". In the NT, the Antichrist is titled "the man of sin" [2Th. 2:3].

The arrival of Adam then, i.e. "Adam lands", carries both meanings: man's arrival at godhood, as well as the appearing of Antichrist. This hidden message is carried over from the Batman theme, the Dark Knight rises.

2. Dawn Hochsprung = dawn hath sprung

This second name is as obvious as it could possibly be. It takes us immediately back to what happened in Aurora, Colorado in July of this year:

Colorado Incident Symbology? - Aurora 'Goddess Of The Dawn' And the Rise Of 'The Dark Knight' 7-21-12 "Aurora is the Roman name for the Goddess of the Dawn...the symbolic picture here is not difficult to draw. "Aurora" symbolizes the dawning of a 'new day', the very "harbinger" of that 'new day' actually - the novus ordo seclorum, i.e. the 'new order of the ages', which is to be realized by her birthing of "Titan", or, the 'sun god', aka Lucifer.

The message here is also clear. The new day has "sprung". It is past tense now. Aurora was the harbinger, and now the new day has actually begun. Adam having landed - man deified, it is the new day...of the rise of the dark knight, the Antichrist, is what they are saying.

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  1. Tom, your ref to the Angry Bird/ Nephilim article is reminiscent of the (official) advert for this years' Rugby World Cup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXppMqUVMYE catchy title too, right?!
    The AC naming game was enacted in the 'Je Suis Charlie' stage play too. Charlie eptymology, freeman (as opposed to bond servant...) What a rebellious bunch of reprobates the PTB are.
    Oh and re, the rising Pheonix, wrong bird, it's an ensign... Jesus warned us, Matthew 24:28.
    Look up!

  2. The following news article was printed in the Washington Post today, 12/17/15.

    Florida Atlantic University moved Wednesday to fire a professor who outraged many by calling the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School an elaborate hoax.

    James Tracy, a professor at the university, has written that although the press reported that 26 people died in a mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., the incident was staged.


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