
Hillary Clinton Announces $63 Billion 'Global Health Care' Program, Data-Tracking System

Obama Administration Spending $63 Billion on Global Health Care Program

(CNSNews.com) – The Obama administration is focused not just on health-care reform in the United States – but also on improving health care systems around the world, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on Monday.

Speaking at Johns Hopkins University, Clinton outlined the six-year, $63-billion Obama administration initiative to bring global health care services “to more people in more places.” The administration’s Global Health Initiative has “everything” to do with foreign policy, she said

The Obama administration’s GHI will develop data-tracking systems to measure the efficacy of U.S. foreign health aid. Part of the $63 billion in new funding will go toward developing ways to test and evaluate existing global health programs to determine which ones are effective and which are not.

re: "Global Health Initiative"

Catch that? It's not just about "health-care reform in the United States", no no, not at all, but it's really about "health-care reform" for the entire world, and it always has been, according to H. Clinton. And so, enter now the "Global Health Initiative", which will..."develop data tracking systems" to monitor this worldwide "health-care reform". In other words, the building of an interconnected "health-care" data-system that will ultimately cover the entire world will now commence. Can you say 'global dictatorship'?

This post is a follow up on : Global Citizenship Coming 'Round The Bend 7-31-09 "The much bigger picture in regard to the healthcare bill so-called is not at all difficult to see. After the national system is built, it is a given that the next step will be to link globally. The healthcare bill is a huge scam in many respects, not the least of which is to phase, i.e. backdoor, Americans 'homelanders' into the coming-round-the-bend "ubiquitous online database" of the 666 one world government." [see post, follow links]
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Rev. 18:4
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