
Obama Executive Order Appoints U.S. Shadow Government: "Council of Governors"

American Republic replaced by “Council of Governors”?

Quietly—even stealthily—in the opening days of the New Year, President Barack Obama has set up a “Council of Governors”.
Like the 30-plus czars running America with neither the people’s nor the congress’s blessings, the Council of Governors is already a done deal.
Checking the Net on the Council of Governors, CFP found other than a few blogs only UPI.com had the story as of this morning:
“President Barack Obama Monday established a panel of state governors to collaborate with Washington on a variety of potential emergencies, the White House said.” (UPI.com, Jan. 11, 2010 at 11:54 p.m.). “Obama signed an executive order establishing a panel to be known as the Council of Governors, which will be made up of 10 state governors, to be selected by the president to serve two-year terms. Members will review matters involving the National Guard; homeland defense; civil support; and synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States, the White House said in a statement.
“The statement said the White House would seek input from governors and governors’ association (sic) in deciding which governors to appoint to the council, which will have no more than five governors from the same party.
“The secretaries of defense and homeland security will also sit on the council, as will presidential assistants for homeland security and counter-terrorism, intergovernmental affairs, the U.S. Northern Command commander, the commander of the East Coast Guard, and the chief of the National Guard Bureau.
“The panel was set up under a provision of the Fiscal Year 2008 National Defense Authorization Act, the White House said.”
There was no timestamp on the latest Emergency Order from Whitehouse.gov, which readers can see below. [click article-title link or here for PDF format.]
This post is a follow up on: Zionist Hostile Takeover Of America - It's On: Oba-czars Refuse To be Questioned 10-23-09 "We are here witnessing what is absolutely nothing less than a hostile, complete takeover of the American government by unelected, unaccountable, self-appointed, would-be world ruling Zionists. They are forming their own little Sanhedrin (ancient Jewish legal system comprised of 71 rulers [czars]) to oversee and finalize the takedown of America..." [see post]
The evidence mounts...
compare: Zionist czars/Sanhedrin Advancing Global Dictatorship With Systematic Takeover of American Industry 12-13-09
U.S. Senate and House of Representatives? What's that - move over Rover. Anyway you slice it or dice it, the American government is being replaced with an unelected shadow government, aka dictatorship. This shadow government is not intended to rule solely over the U.S. but to rule over the entire continent, i.e. Canada and Mexico (interesting to note that the Canadian Parliament was recently suspended for the next couple of months for the second time in as many years [here and here]). This, the 'western region', will of course be then merged into the global system.
Evil is afoot, dictate-tees, be informed.

North American Continent Army? Canadian Troops Train In CA 12-22-09
Canada To Deputize U.S. Police and 'Security Agents' 12-11-09
Two other very recent shadow-government inducing "EO's":

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