
News Updates That Speak Loudly

The million people in Haiti made homeless by an earthquake that hit the island two weeks ago could be among the first to receive controversial vaccinations under a campaign organised by WHO.
According to a document published by WHO called "Public health risk assessment and interventions: Earthquake: Haiti", the UN health agency is strongly recommending that people in Haiti receive vaccinations against tetanus, measles, diphtheria, polio and pertussis in spite of the controversy surrounding these vaccines.
The WHO document also states that the swine flu poses a risk to the people of Haiti, suggesting the people of Haiti will be given the untested and toxic swine flu jab.
Haiti Quake Relief 'Pre-planned' 1-20-10

Update on: No-bama: Indonesians Rejecting Boy-Obama Statue 12-15-09 "The Facebook group named "Take Down the Barack Obama Statue in Taman Menteng Park" had attracted more than 10,000 members" [see post]
Indonesia mulls tearing down Obama statue
JAKARTA — Indonesian authorities said Monday they are considering a petition to tear down a statue of US President Barack Obama as a boy, only a month after the bronze was unveiled in Jakarta.
Critics say the site should have been used to honour an Indonesian and 55,000 people have joined a page on social networking website Facebook calling for the statue to be removed.
"For the dignity of a sovereign nation, Barack Obama's monument in Menteng Park must be removed immediately."
McCain Primary Challenger Hayworth: Obama 'Should Come Forward' With His Birth Certificate (VIDEO)
Former Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ), who is challenging Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in the Republican primary this year, appeared on Hardball this evening, and stood by his previous statements in favor of the birther movement.
Matthews referred back to some of Hayworth's past statements. "I'm reading your letter that says the president should go back and get his birth certificate from the governor of Hawaii,"
"Should the governor of Hawaii produce evidence that the president is one of us, an American?" Matthews asked. "Do you think that's a worthy pastime for the governor of Hawaii right now?"
"No, I -- look. I'm just saying the president should come forward with the information, that's all," said Hayworth. "Why should we depend on the governor of Hawaii?"

see also: Obama Non-Citizen Issue Still Alive: Updates 1-9-10
The princes of this world..have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2:8)

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