
Year in Review - 2009 Top 25: The Year The NWO Came Out Of The Closet

...and come out they did. "Unprecedented" is the word of the year for 2009, used probably more often than any other in describing the alarming changes forced on global status quo - all of which have served to facilitate the tremendous progress made over the course of the year to dismantle the existing world system and replace it with a draconian global dictatorship. Suffice it to say that huge strides were made. And incredibly, it's all out in the open now for the first time ever. Maranatha
A top 10 was never going to be anywhere near enough, 25 is just a small sample.

1. 1/22/09 'How To Swear In Without The Bible' by Obama "After flubbing his one role on Inauguration Day -- administering the oath of office to Obama -- Roberts traveled to the White House to re-administer the oath [in private sans bible - declaring 'antichrist' NWO?]"
2. 2/6/09 Blair, w/Obama, Pushing 'Global Religion' Script "...the Blair/Obama duo clearly indicates that the advancement of the plan to utilize religion as a means of global control has entered the next phase."
3. 2/17/09 Newsweek Mocking Americans: "We Are All Socialists Now" "This magazine cover is a first. The Bureau of Propaganda is now 'in our faces'.
4. 3/22/09 Webster's Dictionary Adds Homosexual 'Unions' To Marriage Definition "But the dictionary runs askew from legal recognition of marriage by the federal government and almost all the states by tacking on a secondary definition that counts unions between same-sex couples as "marriage."
5. 4/5/09 Big Brother Begins To Rule Industry In U.S. "In one swift act, the president effectively overruled the oversight and fiduciary responsibilities of GM's directors...Stunning is too mild a word to describe the precedent set here."
6. 4/26/09 Global Government Taking Giant Step Because Of Possible Scamdem...um...'Pandemic' "...the United States is working with the World Health Organization, Canada and Mexico as well as other organizations to reduce the spread of the virus
7. 5/25/09 NBC: "Massive Public Education Campaign" Coming For Swine Flu Vaccine "you're going to see a massive public education campaign..."
8. 6/7/09 'Travel Documents' Requirement For U.S. Citizens Begins "This is the final stage, effective June 1, 2009, of implementation of the so-called “Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative” (WHTI). The latest amendments to the regulations remove the last of the formner [sic] general exceptions, for land travel between the USA, Canada, and Mexico, to the general rule requiring passports in the (unconstitutional but as yet untested) Federal statute at 8 U.S.C. 1185(b):
9. 7/5/09 Rick Warren Recruits Muslims For One World Religion P.E.A.C.E. Plan “I will tell you that I am not interested in interfaith dialogue. I am interested in interfaith project. There is a big difference,”
10. 7/27/09 Pope, World Religions to Form 'Climate Change Plans' - Conference 11-'09 "This month, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu and Sikh leaders all pledged to build climate change plans for their adherents. Jewish leaders have also promised to build a seven-year climate change plan.
11. 7/30/09 Taking A Peek At The Orwellian 'Health Slave Care' Bill "Whatever the details may be in the final bill when it is passed, the real push is to create, and plug everybody into, a single system. Can you say absolute CONTROL?"
12. 8/6/09 'Czardom' Madness '09: The Growing List "Czardom aka dictatorship is running rampant in the land as self-appointed relatively unknowns assume unaccountable power unto themselves, aided and abetted by the msm Bureau of Propaganda and the deafening silence coming from the halls of Congress as well as the highest courts in the land."
13. 8/10/09 'North American Leaders' Pledge "Aggressive Coordinated Action" "In a written statement, they pledged a united effort on economic recovery, trade, swine flu and climate change."
14. 8/12/09 Ban Ki-moon: 4 Months To 'Secure Future Of Planet' "We have just four months. Four months to secure the future of our planet."
15. 9/1/09 Vermont 5th State To Legalize Homosexual Faux-Marriage, Ben And Jerry's Goes Ga Ga "Same-gender marriage is now legal in The Green Mountain State, and Ben & Jerry's has announced that it will temporarily change its "Chubby Hubby" ice cream to "Hubby Hubby" in honor of homosexual marriage."
16. 9/12/09 "Anti-Government" Rally At U.S. Capitol: Glenn Beck, Revolution, and The NWO "The corporate media reports “tens of thousands” in attendance at the Tea Party demo today in the District of Criminals. Sources on the scene, however, put the number at hundreds of thousands upward to over a million."
17. 9/22/09 China Kicks Off The H1N1 'Inject the World' Agenda "BEIJING — China kicked off mass vaccinations for swine flu Monday in Beijing, making it apparently the first nation in the world to start inoculating its population against the virus."
18. 9/25/09 World Economic Summit #3 Wrap Up: G20 'Leaders' Anoint Selves As Global Masters "Here in Pittsburgh, leaders representing two thirds of the planet's population have agreed to a global plan"
19. 10/12/09 Interpol, UN: Global Police In "12 Months" "the group is expected to debate the global police issue and to craft a declaration that would lead to an action plan for international police peacekeeping within 12 months."
20. 11/3/09 Klaus Signs Lisbon; EU Superstate/Dictatorship is Birthed "BRUSSELS -- Czech President Václav Klaus ratified the European's landmark Lisbon Treaty Tuesday, marking the end of an eight-year campaign in the 27-nation bloc to overhaul the way it is governed."
21. 11/10/09 Israeli Rabbi Releases New Book/Manifesto On Killing Non-Jews; and The Talmud "Bethlehem - Ma'an - Jews have the right to kill non-Jews in just about any circumstance, said Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, the head of a religious school in the illegal settlement of Yitzhar, near Nablus."
22. 11/20/09 New European President And Zionist Mouthpiece Herman van Rompuy Declares Global Governance Has Begun "2009 is the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis... the climate conference in Copenhagen is another step toward the global management of our planet"
23. 11/22/09 Manifesto Madness: Laodicean Christendom And Catholics Uniting, Pushing NWO Strategy For 'Civil Unrest' "A formidable coalition of 150 Catholic, Orthodox and evangelical leaders are calling on Christians in a new manifesto to reject secular authority – and even engage in civil disobedience – if laws force them to accept abortion, same-sex marriage and other ideas that betray their religious beliefs."
24. 12/15/09 NWO Australian Government Rolling Out Internet Censorship "The Federal Government has announced it will proceed with controversial plans to censor the internet..."
25. 12/26/09 Scripted Christmas Day Plane Incident To Bring About Globally Coordinated Airline Security? Interpol? "The extra measures apply worldwide"
'Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.' Luke 21:36

1 comment :

  1. Once out....don't look back.
    Eye's on Him.
    Fill the lamps and preach the gospel.
    It is all written.....


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