
More H1N1 Power Grabbing: Maryland Governor Issues Swine 'Emergency Order'

Maryland first responders can now give flu shots

Gov. Martin O'Malley issued an emergency order Friday to help speed immunizations once more swine flu vaccine is available in Maryland.

The order allows paramedics, emergency medical technicians and cardiac rescue personnel to give shots to the general public. Before, they could give them only to each other under some circumstances.

Friday's order also gives Maryland's secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, John M. Colmers, the power to add "additional categories of health care providers" to the list of those who can vaccinate. He could, for instance, allow pharmacists to vaccinate teenagers. Existing rules limit them to adults, said spokesman David Paulson.
Emergency orders...new powers

This post is a follow up on:
Swine '09 Unprecedented Step: Massachusetts Deputizing Civilian 'Vaccinators' 8-13-09 "The crucial thing to understand is this: under an 'emergency' declaration everything changes (see: MSEHPA). Normal civil rights can be suspended, while so-called health authorities can be then empowered to dictate as they please.

Once an 'emergency order' is in place...all bets are off.
Even while many of the Bureau of Propaganda's recent reports coming in seem to be news of waning numbers for the fake swine flu, the constitution-scrubbing power-grabbing preparations continue unabated. That way, everything will be ready to go when the time comes for the long planned final takedown of the country. And that just may be if and when the NWO's here-and-there mutant H1N1 version takes the global stage at some future date. Stay alert...'Swine '09' is gearing up for 2010.
see also: Swine Scam Latest: 'Mutant H1N1' Now Bares Fangs In Netherlands 12-4-09 "After the global-scale exercises of the last six months or so, the world is pretty much pandemic-trained at this point...and perhaps just about ready for the next stage - the "more virulent and deadly pandemic flu".
Proverbs 30:5 'Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.'

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