
Senate 'Formally' Recognizes Obama No-Certificate Debate

update on: Obama Kenyan Certificate Appears Out Of The Blue? 8-02-09
Harry Reid: Not 1 minute for 'phony issue' of birth wnd
Senate floor criticisms make sure dispute is in Congressional Record

(excerpts; read full article at link above)

Only a day after a document purporting to be President Obama's birth certificate from Kenya was submitted to a court in California, the long-running dispute over his birth and eligibility to occupy the Oval Office has been entered into the Congressional Record – by a Democrat no less.

While the White House – several times – has ridiculed the controversy without providing the original long-form birth certificate that probably would answer many of the questions, Congress has diligently and studiously ignored the issue.

But now the Senate has plunged into the dispute, even if unwillingly, with a statement from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who formally elevated it to arguably the highest debate level in the land.

"Let's be clear. It's a phony issue and does not deserve even a minute of our attention on the floor of the United States Senate," Reid announced today, giving the issue just that minute. "It's absurd, irresponsible, baseless and the false claims of long ago have been refuted.

Glenn Thrush at
Politico commented that Reid "may not have given them a full minute of attention of the Senate floor, but now the birther movement has a permanent spot in the official Congressional Record, thanks to Reid's speech."

"Reid's comments also represent the first time Obama's citizenship has been raised in the Senate – no leading Republicans have raised it on the chamber floor."

The release of the purported Kenyan birth certificate immediately prompted hundreds to challenge its validity. Many critics note the early 1964 document uses the term "Republic of Kenya," arguing Kenya became a republic later in 1964.

Taitz told WND today the "republic" issue is one of many she's asking several individuals to examine as they test the authenticity of the document.

Kenya's official independence was in 1963, and any number of labels could have been applied to government documents during that time period.

At Ameriborn Constitution News, the researcher noted Kenya's independence process actually began in 1957, when Africans were first directly elected to the Legislative Council.

"Kenya became an independent republic Dec. 12, 1963, which gives more [credibility] that this is a true document," the website stated.
A document analyst who previously judged the birth document Obama posted online to be a forgery said the purported Kenyan document is no more real than the first.
According to the commentator, who identifies himself by the pen name "Polarik," the Kenyan document is "another bogus birth document."
"I also found a number of anomalies that shout, 'Forgery,'" he wrote on Free Republic. "It's a government document saying the birth happened and that a birth certificate exists – or pretty much like Obama's bogus Hawaiian COLB."
Another question was raised about the Kenyan document number 47,044, suggesting that indicated it was a forgery because Obama was 47 when he became the 44th president.
Yet another questioned the font of the typing on the document, although Taitz told WND she'd been told it was appropriate for its age.
Still more questions were raised over the resolution of the photograph, claims the name of the village that Obama's father was born in was mispelled as "Kanyadhinng" instead of "Kanyadhiang."
re: Senate plunged into dispute
fyi: As regards what is now looking like a case of dueling bogus online-certificates, and all the hoopla aside which has created the opportunity to do so, the agenda to create a destructive 'constitutional crisis' has taken another baby step forward: congressional recognition. Also of interest, reportedly, is that Taitz has now gone to Israel on a three week 'vacation'. Let the games begin....
for example:
'Because of this video, House of Representatives Mike Castle from Delaware will no longer be doing any more public Town hall meetings according to the sunday News Journal in Delaware. (from youtube site)'

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