
Latest On Swine Flu and "Emergency Preparedness"

WHO chief warns H1N1 swine flu likely to worsen

Source: Reuters
* Chan says H1N1 could mutate in "unpredictable ways"
* Japan relaxes flu measures, but prepares big aid project
* U.S. gives companies $1 billion to start vaccine
* Gene analysis shows virus lurked undetected

The WHO is poised to declare a full pandemic of the virus, which has infected more than 11,000 people in 42 countries and killed 86.

And U.S. health officials released $1 billion for companies to get started on a vaccine in case it is needed.

The results of the study show the global need for more systematic surveillance of influenza viruses in pigs," Dr. Nancy Cox, chief of the influenza division at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters.
related: Emergency Preparedness Exercises Held At Banks 5-21-09

Deborah Seng pulled up to a bank drive-through today and left with a better idea of what to do in an public health emergency, such a bioterrorism attack or global pandemic.

She was one of dozens of people who participated an emergency preparedness exercise sponsored by the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health & Wellness that tested the use of bank drive-throughs to deliver medications in emergencies.

In the exercise, held at the National City Bank branches at 6511 Preston Highway and 2601 Bank St., workers gave about 200 drivers boxes of raisins representing antibiotics that would be used to treat people in the event of a bioterrorism attack with anthrax.

But health officials said the same distribution method could be used if, for example, swine flu became more virulent in the fall and vaccines or medicines needed to be distributed widely to the public."

The exercise is part of the Cities Readiness Initiative (compare here) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Wetter said similar exercises are held throughout the country at different times.
A Global Response

The WHO is poised to declare a "full pandemic" and the DHS is running "Cities Readiness Initiative" exercises. Systematic surveillance is being called for and funding to the tune of one billion has been granted in the U.S. for a so-called vaccine, and banks are being readied to distribute it 'if necessary'. There is already talk of eventual mandatory inoculations of all Americans.

Global government taking over. This is not a drill.

Follow links and connect the dots: 'swine flu'?
"...establish your hearts: the coming of the Lord draweth nigh....behold, the judge standeth before the door." James 5:8b, 9b

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