
'Mystery President' Forgets Where He Is

'President' from who knows where doesn't know where he is on first foreign trip:

Obama accidentally says 'Iowa' in Ottawa

OTTAWA, Canada - President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper just started their joint news conference, the first such dual podium event for the new president.
The newness is showing - the president began his remarks with, "It's a great pleasure to be here in Iowa - Ottawa."
'Isn't this Canamerexico...?'

The global agenda is being implemented according to a long ago planned script. The politicicans who read the NWO prepared speeches to the public are merely facilitators for that agenda, chosen to play the role. Some are ex-actors i.e. Schwarzenegger of CA. Some are amateurs though and they may forget their lines now and then when performing without a teleprompter.

compare, connect dots:
Gadhafi, Obama, Regional World Government 2-3-09
Blair, w/Obama, Pushing 'Global Religion' Script 2-6-09
Obama Reads NWO Communitarianism Script To 'Everybody' 1-19-09
Pied Piper and NAU 11-4-08 (Obama/North American Union)
Psalms 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.


  1. Iowa...Ottawa.
    It's all the same.

    Interesting he said Iowa. First planned home invasion practice site by our own military on our own homeland. Against our own laws...(eh before the Patriot act)

    BTW, I hear the Iowa invasion is on hold for a tad. Too much squawking of sheeples. Give um time...they'll love it!

  2. You're right, apparently that Iowa home invasion has been put on hold.

    Same old drill though...two steps forward...one step back. It works everytime.

    Testing the water and planting the seed. Done.


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