
Civilian 'Workforce' or Civilians 'Forced To Work' For NWO?

Defense Department Establishes Civilian Expeditionary Workforce

WASHINGTON – The Defense Department is forming a civilian expeditionary workforce that will be trained and equipped to deploy overseas in support of military missions worldwide, according to department officials.

Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England signed Defense Department Directive 1404.10, which outlines and provides guidance about the program, on Jan. 23.
The directive emphasizes, however, that volunteers be sought first for any expeditionary requirements, before requiring anyone to serve involuntarily or on short notice. Overseas duty tours shall not exceed two years.

Employees in deployable-designated positions will be trained, equipped and prepared to serve overseas in support of humanitarian, reconstruction and, if absolutely necessary, combat-support missions.
re: 'civilian workforce'
Further disturbing trends of the encroaching brave new world: Signed 1-23-09, directive for a new Defense Department program which will designate various civilian sectors from within the department for humanitarian and other overseas missions. Quote: "volunteers will be sought first...before requiring anyone to serve involuntarily..."
compare: Obama Reads NWO Communitarianism Script To 'Everybody' Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Barack Obama issued a “call to service” to Americans... “Everybody is going to have to pitch in.."

compare also: New Purpose Driven Delusion Magazine To Push Warren P.E.A.C.E. Plan 1-27-09 "...global service opportunities through a humanitarian strategy called the PEACE plan" (one billion worker bees planned)
Civilian workforce..or forcing civilians to work to operate the NWO? Bottom line, the door is being cracked here and it's not difficult to see where this is going. The now being unveiled global government system will require a lot of 'worker bees' without which it could not function, and civilian 'deployment' is taking it's first step.
Much more 'civilian workforce' agenda to come, it is without question the only agenda for the future for all 'citizens'...stay tuned

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