
Fannie, Freddie, and Globalizing America

update on: What About Fannie, Freddie (7-13-08)
U.S. to take control of Fannie and Freddie: reuters

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government plans to put government sponsored mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under federal control, the New York Times and Washington Post newspapers reported late Friday, in what could be the largest financial bailout in the nation's history.
The two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) own or guarantee almost half of the country's $12 trillion in outstanding home mortgage debt.

The two firms would be placed in "conservatorship", the Washington Post said, citing sources familiar with the discussions.
re: 'What about Fannie, Freddie?'
The title of this posted article tells everything that needs to be known in answer to that question, originally asked just about seven weeks ago (update link above). And it reveals an amazingly simple to see through, deeply profound, and highly disturbing situation taking shape, i.e. the federal government officially putting their name on half the mortgaged properties in the nation. In other words, they are in position to take ownership of all these private properties in the event of oh, say, a financial collapse...or some sort of economic disruption perhaps.
It's no secret that private property is one of the designated 'unsustainables' for the now being established NWO. In the rapidly forming 'global kingdom' being built for the Antichrist, there will be no private property...the globalists envision themselves as owning the entire planet. That is a true statement. This developing situation looks to go a long way toward eventually achieving the goal. see: unsustainable; sustainable

This is a HUGE deal and makes it abundantly clear that the financial take down of this country and the globalization of it's economy is being accelerated, and will certainly continue to spread. The assimilation of this country into the global system is the only agenda that is being carried out here. Here, today, now. It's very late in the 'game'. see: America: shutting it down;
The 'writing is on the wall'...can you interpret it? (Dan. 5)
Rev. 18:4
related 'financial takedown' news...ANOTHER bank swallowed up:

FDIC Shuts Down Silver State Bank of Nevada CNN Money
"It was the 11th failure this year of a federally insured bank."

"Andrew K. McCain, a son of Republican presidential nominee John McCain, sat on the boards of Silver State Bank and of its parent, Silver State Bancorp, starting in February but resigned in July citing "personal reasons,"" (McCain?)

"There were about $20 million in uninsured deposits held in roughly 500 accounts at Silver State that potentially exceeded the insurance limit, the FDIC said." (bye bye $20 mil)

"Federal officials expect turbulence in the banking industry to continue well into next year, and more banks to appear on the FDIC's internal list of troubled institutions."
Psalms 115:11 "Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD"

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