
Lehman, Merril, AIG update

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The ruptured U.S. financial system was facing an unprecedented shakeup on Sunday that could lead to the failure of Lehman Brothers, the takeover of Merrill Lynch & Co Inc and big asset sales by big insurer American International Group.

""The U.S. financial system is finding the tectonic plates underneath its foundation are shifting like they have never shifted before," said Peter Kenny, managing director at Knight Equity Markets in Jersey City, New Jersey. "It's a new financial world on the verge of a complete reorganization.""

"Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Sunday he suspected "we will see other major financial firms fail..""
This post is a follow up on: U.S. Going Bankrupt? (need to read)
re: 'ruptured U.S. financial system'
Hundreds if not thousands of articles have been written in the last few days about this on-going situation with Lehman, Merril, AIG, and other 'failures' to be named later, without a doubt, but everything that needs to known to understand what is going on has been succinctly stated by Peter Kenny, the managing director at Knight Equity Markets in Jersey City, New Jersey (quoting): "It's a new financial world on the verge of a complete reorganization."

Thank you Peter Kenney for making it so clear. As he is saying, a new and completely reorganized financial world is being created because the new world order (NWO) is on the verge of being realized. This also explains why it has been necessary to 'rupture' the old financial world.

The global financial system of the Antichrist is being birthed before your eyes people...and the trickle down into the society-at-large is coming very soon, especially as the takedown of the U.S. financial system progresses even deeper. They are playing for keeps this time and control of the entire world is the only goal. The clock is running. prediction: it's gonna get nuts from here on out...Rev 18:4
Psalms 59:8 But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.

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