
Financial 'Nine-One-One' Underway

FOLLOW UP ON: U.S. Going Bankrupt?
JPMorgan In Talks To Acquire Washington Mutual: Reuters
JPMorgan Chase & Co is in advanced discussions to acquire Washington Mutual Inc, a source familiar with the discussions said on Friday.
"They are in advanced talks," the source told Reuters.
In an exclusive interview with CNBC.com, Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co., says he sees possibly as many as a thousand bank closures in the coming months.
Towers collapsing
What is happening in the financial world and the fundamental changes in life-as-we-know-it that these dramatic events portend is equivalent in scope to how everything changed after 'nine-one-one'. Life has never been the same since that day, and in the same way the takedown of the U.S. financial towers is a clear indication that big (and permanent) changes are just ahead...i.e. regionalism, communitarianism. In other words...one world government.
Be aware, they are playing for keeps. Life never will be the same: global script
see all:
Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

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