
FBI Becoming Secret Police

New rules would give FBI more freedom in US operations: latimes
Agents would be allowed to conduct physical surveillance in a public location, recruit and deploy informants, and conduct interviews without identifying themselves. Civil libertarians are worried.

"WASHINGTON -- The Justice Department is finalizing rules that would allow FBI agents to solicit informants and use other new techniques to bolster the agency's intelligence-gathering operation in the United States, officials said Friday."

'The changes would expand rules the department enacted after the Sept. 11 attacks that permitted the FBI to conduct "assessments" of threats of terrorism and espionage even in instances where little or no proof existed of criminal activity.'

"Justice officials said the FBI had been hamstrung in carrying out the earlier mandate because the agency had been limited to "overt" intelligence-gathering techniques, such as permitting agents to conduct interviews only when they identified themselves."

"The new rules are expected to be signed in the next several weeks by Atty. Gen. Michael B. Mukasey. Meanwhile, FBI agents are already being trained as if the new rules are in effect. The House and Senate judiciary committees are expected to question FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III on the issue next week."

"Agents will be given unparalleled leeway to investigate Americans without proper suspicion, and that will inevitably result in constitutional violations."

"The changes would allow them to conduct physical surveillance in a public location, recruit and deploy informants, and conduct interviews without identifying themselves."

This story is a follow up on: NWO Daze (3rd article)
re: unparalled leeway to investigate Americans
..."new techniques", not required to identify themselves, no proof of any criminal activity needed...etc. The Big Brother secret police have formally arrived. There is a final hearing scheduled for 10-17-08 where the "new rules" will apparently be rubber stamped. The general public is hereby informed that the Stasi will be legally up and running in the now openly transitioning police state of the former U.S.A.
The 'beast' has a global kingdom to build. It will be built too, but only for a time. The development of it is even now setting the stage for the final conflict.
Rev. 18:4

Not so sure? Compare this post documenting the multi-state effort to train police, firefighters, paramedics and even utility workers to spy on 'homeland citizens': here
Psalms 66:7 He ruleth by his power forever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.

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