
Blair, Yale, Antichrist World Religion

The biblically prophesied one world religion of anti-christ is pushing into new territory before your very eyes (see video). Christian, you will be confronted with this non-christian, globally-spreading delusion...to dialogue, to compromise, to build bridges, etc. A rejection of the true gospel will be the end result for those who are led astray...for the Holy Spirit of God has nothing to do whatsoever with the false religions of this world. That includes the modernized 'seeker-friendly', dominionist, and emergent forms of today's apostate Christendom which will make up a large part of the coming inter-faith world religion...Rev. 18:4
The truth:
(quoted comment from 6-1-08 post on the launch of the so-called 'Tony Blair Faith Foundation', which was titled: 'One World Church' Rising From The Earth)
"Heavily funded and now being openly promoted and coordinated on an unprecedented world-wide scale through all sectors of society from single individuals to companies and governments (and universities; ed.), the globalist agenda to move all of the various religions of the world into a single manageable framework is now to be forced on the peoples of the world. The ante is clearly being raised to a very high level as this phase of the 'world transformation project' gets underway, and any who would resist this 'inter-religious merging for the common good of mankind' will be labeled "extremists", and are to be fought against, to use Tony Blair's phraseology."
The spin:
From Yale, now in a new partnership with the new 'Tony Blair Faith Foundation' (5-30-08), the newly credentialed Professor Blair on globalism and religion:

see: In Sheep's Clothing (excellent, insightful piece written 1666)
Matt. 6:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

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