
Future Reality - 'Green Taxes'

9 Million Brits to Pay Greenhouse Gas Tax: EE Times or telegraph.uk
"Almost half of all car owners will be up to *£245 worse off under plans for massive increases in road tax, the Treasury admitted yesterday."

"More than one million drivers of cars registered between 2001 and 2006 will see road tax jump from £210 to either £430 or £455 depending on emissions, while others face hikes of between £10 and £155."

*UK£ 245 = 480.10200 U.S. dollars
update on: CA 'greening' cars
Apparently the expensive UK tax is to be calculated according to the rated emissions for each model of car.
Little understood, but the automobile is not considered 'sustainable' for the future 'sustainable communities' of the new order. see: unsustainable
The future is being phased in, freedom of movement is to be phased out. Watch and see. (CA and NY are moving in this direction already..see 'Ca greening' above)

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