
A Serious Warning

to wake up and 'connect the dots'
update on: reforming..one-world

Brown Urges Global Push to Solve Global Problems: nytimes
Published: April 19, 2008

BOSTON — Europe and the United States must increase their efforts to solve global problems like terrorism, the environment, hunger and poverty, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain said Friday in a wide-ranging speech at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum here.

“We urgently need to step out of the mind-set of competing interests and instead find our common interests — and we must summon up the best instincts and efforts of humanity in a cooperative effort to build new international rules and institutions for the new global era,” Mr. Brown said. He was in Boston the day after visiting Washington to meet with President Bush and the three major candidates for the presidency.

“Instability in one country will affect stability in all countries; an injustice anywhere is now a threat to justice everywhere,” Mr. Brown said. “And that is how we must respond..."

Mr. Brown continued to call for reform of the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and urged a greater role for China, India, South Africa and other emerging countries in those organizations and in the Group of 8, which consists of leading industrialized countries. He also said that the European Union, the African Union and other groups of countries should help with humanitarian aid and peacekeeping in troubled nations.

“For the first time in human history, we have the opportunity to come together around a global covenant, to reframe the international architecture and build the truly global society,” he said.

“American leadership will be and is indispensable,” Mr. Brown said. “And now is an opportunity for an historic effort in cooperation: a new dawn in collaborative action between America and Europe.”
A "new dawn", a "global covenant"
re: "we must summon up the best instincts and efforts of humanity in a cooperative effort to build new international rules and institutions for the new global era"
and: "come together around a global covenant, to reframe the international architecture and build the truly global society
This was a truly remarkable and incredibly significant speech given yesterday (4/18/08) at the JFK Presidential Library by the Prime Minister of Britain, Gordon Brown. It is doubtful if these things called for by Brown have ever been stated more openly or clearly, i.e. a "global covenant", "reframing the international architecture", "building the global society", as well as "new international rules and institutions", etc. It should actually be considered as an announcement of what is already well underway, but is only now being unveiled for all to see. The new era of a single global government has truly arrived, and is being loudly and forcefully heralded across the globe.
In light of biblical prophecy, the importance of these declarations cannot be understated. These things would fulfill exactly the conditions described in the Word of God as those that will be found just prior to the long awaited return of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which will be in part to bring judgment upon a rebellious mankind, who will have "summoned up the best instincts and efforts of humanity in a cooperative effort"; but will have left the living God "out of the loop" completely, and so are doomed to failure, and to discover that the best instincts and efforts of men can never accomplish anything true or good. Man....is a fallen creature, and is incapable of saving himself or another. No, man must himself be saved, and needs the Saviour. This is the whole story of the bible, and the very reason that God "gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) see: stone which the builders rejected
As to bible prophecy, it should be noted that it is the Antichrist who will make a "covenant with many" (Dan. 9:27)...and he will first set himself as the global 'king', but then later declare himself to actually be God (2 Thes. 2:2-4).
But, who believes bible prophecy anymore? Very few it seems, but that will not affect in any way the exact fulfilment of every single thing that is written. It is folly to ignore or disregard the Word of God. Most people though are too busy to be bothered. This is also a fulfillment of prophecy, for it is written that that day, or time, shall come upon the world as a snare (Luke 21:35). In other words the people of the world will be absolutely unaware.
Christian, that time has arrived and the evidence is overwhelming. You must face this reality now. Unbeliever, you too must face this reality; it's time to believe (Rom. 10:13).
see A.C. Gaebelein's exposition on: my lord delayeth his coming
Matt. 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

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