
Globalism: a quick primer

Five quotes, one from each of five very recent articles.

1. What is it?

'Global Governance: New Players, New Rules' source: intl. monetary fund "The fragmented international system of today is composed of multiple institutions, agencies, and actors with specialized mandates. What is required is a transition to a global system of reformed institutions and new governance mechanisms that can harness diverse energies and resources in a cohesive way to respond effectively to urgent global challenges in the age of massive economic and social transformation that lies ahead. The recent election of new leaders in the United Kingdom, France, and Japan; the prospect of elections in some other G-8 countries; and the selection of new heads of the Bretton Woods institutions and other agencies together establish an opportunity to move the governance reform agenda forward to create a global system congruent with the problems that must be addressed.

2. How is being done? (a global-crisis du jour, in this case "climate change", formerly known as "global warming", is used as the means to obtain the objective, i.e. common vision, global consensus, global alliance, etc. In other words, global control (see also globalcontrol):

'Building on momentum' source: un.org In a bid to build on the momentum generated by last December’s landmark United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia, the General Assembly will host a two-day debate on the crucial issue next week in New York.......“What is needed is a common vision, a global consensus, a global alliance for action,” he observed. “Only then will we have a chance to tackle this enormous challenge to our lives."

3. It means "Reformed institutions" are required, such as, "global police":

'Top UN police, rule of law officials meet in Italy to discuss global policing' source: un.org UN Police Adviser Andrew Hughes will chair the conference and update participants on what the new OROLSI framework means for global policing, while also focusing on the challenges ahead as the Police Division deals with unprecedented demand for officers. There are currently over 11,000 deployed worldwide, and this could increase to more than 16,000 officers by next year.
4. All "Faith Groups" must be incorporated into system: (to be 'community social- workers' in the new system.)
'Megachurch Pastor Warren Calls for a Second Reformation' source: washingtonpost "Warren, whose ministry has trained a half-million pastors, said partnerships between government and industry can't succeed in solving social problems unless they include faith groups, with their large volunteer forces and their worldwide networks." (see also purpose-driven )
5. People will need to be controlled:
'New Operation to Put Heavily Armed Officers in Subways' source: nytimes In the first counterterrorism strategy of its kind in the nation, roving teams of New York City police officers armed with automatic rifles and accompanied by bomb-sniffing dogs will patrol the city’s subway system daily, beginning next month, officials said on Friday. (see also:biometric database)
First thing necessary is for people (Christian!) to 'wake up' and smell the proverbial coffee. The "process" of globalization is not only underway it is quite advanced. The majority of people are unaware primarily because they are not looking for it, nor do they understand the implications of the changes that are happening. It is hoped that the Christian reader may begin first to see, and then to understand what is happening. Again, that is the intent here, to provide enough information to cause you to "see" the big picture, and face the fact that it really is happening. Many Christians are taught that they are to be "Kingdom builders" and have "Kingdom thinking", etc. The problem is that the "Kingdom" being created is without God, and is in fact "anti-Christian". No, the stage is being readied for another, one world religion and all. This one coming to rule over the system will be the one Word of God identifies as...

"that man of sin..... the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped" (2 Thes. 2:4)

"Come out of her, my people.....


  1. Thanks for the hedzup re: globalism. one can already see the "community social workers" via churches who are "doing" w/little or no preaching of the gospel of Christ.

    Also,students in the public schools are being led into gov't programs with blinded parents joining right in.

    My two middle school grandchildren already have to pass through two security checks before entering the school bldg, they use a plastic ID card, their backpacks have to be see-through and they are not allowed to carry them even with all those "in the name of security" checks. What's really sad is that my dtr thinks it's really great. Is it?

  2. watching....

    you say you dtr. thinks it's a great thing, no doubt because she believes it's a safety issue, but the globalist agenda being pushed has an altogether entirely different goal. These kids are merely being conditioned for the 'micromanaged'lives that they would have to live, if the LORD tarries. Literally every aspect will be closely controlled. These so called security measures are and will be increasing continually. People will need to be controled, what you do, where you can go, when, etc. Look back at #5 on this post. "Heavily armed guards patrolling subways..", first ever. click on the link at the end of that paragraph, if you've not already, and read the article on "biometric databases".

    Absolute control..literally micromanagment of the earth is the ideal being pursued, including every person on the planet. This is aka "sustainable development'. Research that term. Can you say '666'? (that's exactly where it's all heading, and that's not a stretch)

    All these things are fulfilling perfectly the Biblical prophetic picture as described in the book of Revelation: that of a single global government with a global 'spirituality' as being the conditions at the time the one called the Antichrist will appear on the stage of human history. The Lord Jesus Christ will come first for His bride though, so 'wise' Christians would do well to "trim their lamps and double-check their oil" (Matt. 25:1-13)

    ....and shine bright all the while


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