
Bible History - One Who Strove

Historic Facts Every Christian Ought To Know . . . William Tyndale (1490-1536) Was Hanged . . . His Body Burned . . . For Translating The Bible Into English.

One chapter in the amazing story of how the Lord sovereignly worked to preserve His Word, and one man who paid the price.


first: PRINTING INVENTED - "You will find his name in every history ever written--John Gutenberg, it is in German. That happened in 1454."

there was NO ENGLISH BIBLE - "Greek scholars came to live in all parts of Europe. All at once these wise men became very much interested in the Greek New Testament and began to read it instead of the old Latin one they had always read. They made many people think about how wonderful it would be to have the Bible in the language of the people, so everyone could read it. With the new study of the language and the new printing press, things began to happen."
so God raised up WILLIAM TYNDALE - "It began first in an old school in England where a young man named William Tyndale was studying.....So the Bible came to England, and from England to all the world. But the man who gave it to the world never knew what a glorious victory he had won. Away in a little German town, afraid to walk in the street for fear some spy of the English Catholic bishop, or the pope of Rome should see him, working night and day that everybody might have the Bible, he longed for his home in England. He loved England better than his life. His enemies sent men to make him believe they were his friends, and persuade him to come home. But he knew what they wanted. He knew, once in England, they would arrest and kill him." read all: Tyndale

"Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory." (2 Timothy 2:9,10)

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