
911 Twin Towers Built To Fall - How They Did It: Pre-Planted Explosives, Thermite Steel-Cutters, Drop Into Basement - Never Forget

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911 Twin Towers Built To Fall - How They Did It: Pre-Planted Explosives, Thermite Steel-Cutting Charges, Dropped Into Pre-Blown-Out Basement - Never Forget

Video is a selection of clips from a full length 90 min. documentary. It is 18-min in length showing only the most important parts in a concise format - revealing very clearly - exactly how the buildings were actually brought down. Well worth 18 minutes:

Part 1. Demolitions 1:55
Part 2. Pre-Collapse Sub-Basement Explosions 4:30
Part 3. The Slurry Walls 8:15
Part 4. The Demolition Industry 13:28
Part 5. WTC Demolitions 15:50


*Full length video: "a powerful compilation of "demolition" facts and information on the building's construction proving that the collapse of the 'Twin Towers' on 9-11-01 absolutely could not happen except for a controlled demolition. Definitely worth viewing in it's entirety..


911 Twin Towers Imploded - Then A Phoenix Rose From The Ashes.. A 'Giant Syringe' [ONE World Trade Center]

Hidden Huge In Plain Sight - 911 Replacement Tower ONE World Trade Center - A Monument To The Mighty Syringe - Bringing In The Corona-World-Order


There it is. The 911 Twin Towers were dropped - and lo and behold - look at the phoenix that rose from the ashes [link]: plain as day it's a monument to the 'Mighty Syringe'..

Long Live Covid [or next plandemic/s by whatever name] - the message is clear..

see all: Corona-world-order; 911

see also [vid 18 min.]: 911 Twin Towers Built To Fall - How They Did It: Pre-Planted Explosives, Thermite Steel-Cutters, Drop Into Basement - Never Forget
Rev. 18:4
Psalms 64:5,7 'They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them? ...But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded'